
Monthly Archives: July 2009

My message on Sunday was a reminder for our congregation that we need to live a lifestyle of good works. Although doing good cannot earn your way to Heaven, our example of Christ can help other people get there.

I have had the pleasure of hearing stories all week about acts of kindness that have been flowing out of the people of North Creek this week.

My favorite story was a couple who left our service on their way to an afternoon they had planned together…a nice date at a movie theatre. However, God changed their plans that day. They sat in the car, unable to do anything but think about how they would help someone with their extra time. Their plan ended up including buying food and gathering clothing for the homeless. As they went on their mission to bless people, God led them to two men who were hungry and had just got done praying for food. That couple had the privilege of being their answer to prayer for that day.

A teenager in our congregation sat with his dad and expressed that he wanted to take money out of his saving account to help fix a car for someone in need.

Another couple gave a waitress an extra $10 to give to her daughter who was celebrating her 10th birthday that day while mom was at work.

And the list goes on and on…

These stories bless me and challenge me to the core of who I am. Some of them have been down right miraculous events. If you’ve told me a story this week, remember to write them either directly to me at or on our Facebook page…

Now, I’m off to take a lady from our church to a doctor’s appointment. She had knee surgery recently and can’t walk on her own yet. I think that will be my good work of the day! I can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring!

Church yesterday was fun! Here’s the highlights:

Well, I preached. That’s not necessarily a highlight for me, but I hope it was for someone else! 🙂 I am challenged by my own point, which is always my goal. If I challenge myself, I figure maybe other people might be motivated as well.

My mother in law sent me this email (names changed):
As we were leaving the church with Kennedy, Jane (John’s friend) was breathlessly coming in. She told us John called her at 10:10 and told her she’d better get over to our church and hear that message! She said she slapped on some make-up and headed over. John said to tell you that the sermon had impacted him greatly and he “hoped he could get up off of his butt and do some impacting others himself!” He also mentioned that he was impressed with the baptisms and especially the fact that we have seven people in Starting Point. He said, “Seven is a lot!” I was motivated, as well! I will be carrying a certain amount of money every week to impact someone. I’m reading the stories on the blog and it will be interesting to listen to the Holy Spirit as he tells me who needs this money.

Our church received a $2000 check from Heritage Church in Hazel Dell this week. They wanted to help us out during the summer months when finances are usually tightest. Finances were tight in June and that will make all of the difference, so THANK YOU to a great church that believes in the Kingdom. We look forward to giving you all of that back in the future…and more!

My daughter along with many of her friends “graduated” from the Little Adventurer’s class yesterday. They got New Testaments, diplomas, and a balloon. Our preschool director, Rachael, is my hero. That’s such a valuable ministry that she does a great job at!

We painted a house on Saturday. It looks awesome! Thanks to Chris Harold for sacrificing his Saturday to help us get that done!

My other daughter came home singing a worship song, “God is Everywhere”. Her little voice filled my house all afternoon. If your kids aren’t regular attenders at a church, I encourage you to work on that area of your family. You can’t give me enough money to trade these precious moments of them encountering God.

Starting Point began again yesterday. We have 5 going through the class. I know I said seven in the 9:00 am service. Two people postponed their involvement until after the summer! I pray that God gives them the answers they are looking for.

Jackson Jackson lead worship yesterday for the first time. He and his team did a great job! We have a wide foundation of leaders in our church. I am convinced that our church will be well known for our ability to use a lot of people in their giftings. Jackson – we’re glad you’re part of that foundation!

We had one of our highest attendances yesterday at 146 (not to mention the 170 people we had last week at the park). Hello. It’s mid-July. Doesn’t church attendance drop in summer? Not when you serve a backwards God!

OK, stop reading my blog and go change the world. And remember…when you do a “good work” this week, go to Facebook ( and leave a note about what you did. Even if it’s just the littlest thing ever. If you’re not on Facebook, comment on my blog and I’ll post it on Facebook for you.

Here’s the list that was in the bulletin yesterday for those of you who do better with digital things…
• play with your kids for an uninterrupted amount of time
• eat dinner at the table
• pray together, let everyone share a need
• hold your own “american idol” with your kids
• take your wife/husband on an impromptu date
• give your wife/husband a day off
• take a surprise vacation with your kids
• encourage a co-worker
• thank your boss
• buy lunch for your “space”
• show up with coffee and donuts
• stand up for someone
• make dinner for your neighbors
• have an open-house dinner for everyone in the neighborhood
• go fix up a “beat up” part of your neighborhood
• babysit for free
• plant a community garden
• smile at a stranger
• tip a little extra
• pay for someone’s groceries anonymously
• buy coffee for the person behind you in line
• pay for the driver behind you in a drive-thru
• give money to whoever needs it/asks for it
• fix a friend/neighbor’s car for free
dreaming big:
• give away something of high value to someone in need (a car, a house, etc.)
• donate to an organization in need
• take a step to restore a broken relationship
• pay for someone’s bills
sign up to volunteer or donate more than you normally would…
• in hospice
• at a food shelter
• at a nursing home
• sign up to volunteer once a month in a Sunday ministry
• give your tithe (10% of your income)
• volunteer to clean once a month

About a month ago I had mentioned a very generous church (Cross Timbers Community Church) in my blog. I went back to get more of the story and read the accounts of what happened they gave 1,360 families $50. Each family needed to find someone in need to give the money to. Man! The stories are moving. Just keep reading…some of them begin to connect to previous stories, which is just amazing how God uses His people in different ways to make sure that everyone’s needs are met. I sat here at my computer weeping! 🙂

I love other pastor’s blogs. I learn a lot from their thoughts and words. Pastors are wildly different from one another, but very often, there is a vain in all of us that is quite the same. Sometime their words capture my heart or thoughts better than I could. In college I was in a drama team with my friend, Jeremy Johnson. He was a quality person back in college and is now a travelling speaker helping people know more about Jesus. I read his blog today and thought I would share it with you because I liked it. Hope it resonates with something in you as well.

Self Reflection from Jeremy Johnson

I’ve had the opportunity to do a lot of self-reflection in the last couple months. In talking with some key mentors, wise bystanders and sitting in empty rooms, I’ve learned a few things about myself. This is probably not new to some of you – as you’ve interacted with me – but some things I’m acknowledging about my life that I’d like to change.

Observation #1 – I’m a people pleaser.
I would never call it a sin. Usually attach a cool name to it like “caring”, “nice”, “peace maker”. But that is only true when my motive is pure. And too many times I please people when on the inside I am mad, bitter, irritated, selfish, afraid, weak.
This is not effective. It’s deceptive, weak and selfish. This trait is not invited into my next season of life.

Observation #2 – I’m a better daddy than I am a husband.
Not my goal. Maybe it’s because my kids aren’t my peers and I don’t feel intimidated. They are young enough to think I’m a hero – and I revel in that? My wife is a champion. She deserves my very best attention and affection.
This is not acceptable. I will line up my daily actions with my heart. I won’t assume Leanne knows what I feel about her – but I will model it daily.

Observation #3 – I seek preparation instead of presence.
I am at my best when I have spent time with God. Not for study. Not for message prep. But for relationship. It’s His presence that gives me life. I have at times slipped into preparing and calling it good. Weak sauce. I don’t need to be polished. I need to be broken, authentic and raw.
I will not go from this place without your presence. Your presence will distinguish me. Lack of your presence will extinguish me.

So pretty much I’m a knucklehead who does love God with all my guts. I want to always reflect, identify, grow and influence. I am committed to the journey, pretty stoked about grace, and gripped with urgency for this next season.

We just had staff retreat in Seattle! It was an awesome time to laugh together, reminisce, and look for our weak spots as a church. Troy Jones, Pastor of New Life in Renton, took a few hours to do some leadership training with us on Tuesday. It was challenging on so many levels! Here’s some of the top points that we discussed as a team:

Anytime you start something new, write down your prediction of it’s outcome. Evaluate later to find out what correct or incorrect worldview you had to arrive at that conclusion. – Larry Osborne

“I’m a student of people’s comments.” Troy Jones

Are you recruiting volunteers with a forest fire (panic) approach or an architect designing a structure?

Language creates culture. We need to all speak the same at North Creek to shape who we are.

Tithing should be cheerful, systematic, and generous.

We also took the time to have a good dinner, drink coffee, sit in the hot tub, and just be friends. Our staff is very unique in a basic way…we like each other! 🙂 I am so blessed and humbled to interact with the caliber of people that we do. Thank you to our staff and New Life for being who you are!