
Monthly Archives: February 2010

Mark is talking this Sunday about where we are headed as a church and why. I think this may be one of the most important messages that he has ever had to give, but ironically it’s nothing new. Our heart is splattered through the pages of the Bible. We may have a unique plan and strategy, but it’s a simple vision when it’s all boiled down…more people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling last night and thought about the possibilities of a people united by a cause. What if we have a New Testament church where people held NOTHING back? They gave of their time, their talents, their money. They were willing to die for the cause. They left everything to follow Christ. The result in the Bible was that people were added to their number DAILY.

What would we do if we had to add a new small group every week to fulfill the need in our church? What if we had to have Starting Point groups meeting all throughout the week to accomodate people who have questions about Jesus? What if we could not wait until later in the year to add a campus…or campuses…because there is no room for the people to come?

And then the real question…what is YOUR responsibility to make that happen? What do you need to do to unite behind a vision? Do you need to invite a friend to church? Are you faithfully tithing 10% and then asking God what else you are to give? Are you praying, reading your Bible, and fasting? Are you allowing God to mold and shape your heart so that sin does not come between you and Him?

A sacrificial and sinless church is a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Before you come on Sunday, I challenge you to pray about what you can literally DO for the Kingdom of God that you aren’t already doing. The picture I hold in my heart is a church knit together with a reckless abandon to make a difference. I can’t wait unitl that picture becomes a vivid reality.