Greetings to fleet of you home sick! I got plenty of emails, texts, and messages letting me know that our people are down and OUT! May you be well in the name of Jesus. We miss you at church and we want you healthy ASAP!
For the rest of us, we got a wonderful message about King Herod…what kind of pastor preaches on the villian just two weeks before Christmas??? Well, it was an awesome reminder to be on the same side as God’s plan and that He does things very differently than our fleshly wills.
Amazing offering this weekend! Every Christmas we randomly send out cards from North Creek to families that could use a little extra and we are pleased to be able to use our Benevolence fund to keep the tradition alive. We also are helping a single mom with a new mattress for her child and some food to load up her cupboards. Several small groups took on projects as well…ours collected about 100 pairs of socks for the Homeless Shelter where I work. It is a privilege to look at needs and to meet them as people who love Jesus!
Only one more official service left for North Creek in 2010…wow…where did the year go? We are also looking forward to our first Christmas Eve services ever at 6:30 and 8:00 pm on the 24th. How fun!!!
My inlaws rock.
We have some changes coming in 2011…we are seriously tossing around the idea of bumping our service times to 9:30 am and 11:00 am on Sunday mornings. For some of you that means you’ll get to church on time! 🙂 HAAAA! Just kidding…actually we feel it will make a stronger early service and the 10:30 am people aren’t our “morning people” anyway, so they’ll just sleep longer and send us thank you notes. It will also be a blessing to our staff and worship team who collectively get about 20 children up and out of bed to be at church early. Thoughts?
Our friends, Jim and Sarah, visited us this weekend. Their church launches in 6 weeks! We are very excited for them and remember fondly the anticipation of startup. It’s a roller coaster ride of emotion for sure.
We had a family last week accept Jesus! That’s the reason we do what we do and we rejoice with them!
I have a big announcement coming this week. Stay tuned to my blog! It’s a good one!