
Monthly Archives: January 2011

Always something great to share:

Kings and Priests By John Ortberg

There is an old definition of leadership that says leading people means getting them to want to do what you want them to do. That’s actually much more like herding than leading.

The reason we love leadership so much, but often end up resenting actual leaders, is that its very hard to lead someone without violating their dominion. God is working on a model of leadership that unleashes universal dominion.

In ancient Mesopotamian culture, only kings were made in the image of a powerful god; peasants were actually thought to be made by inferior Gods. This is what the writer of Genesis challenges:

Then God said, “let us make human beings in our image; in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish…”
So God created human beings in his own image, In the image of God he created them; Male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:26-27

This is single most world-changing truth about human dignity and equality ever recorded.

Imagine what it did to the heart of peasants and slaves when they heard that not just kings but EVERY human being was made in the divine image.

What if there was a community where everybody treated everybody else as if they were a king? Nobody on top; nobody on bottom?

The fact that you were made in the image of God tells you not just about your worth, but also about your destiny. The main point of ‘image of God’ language in scripture is not about some ability or trait we share with God, its about the mission He has given us.

In ancient times, there was no media or internet; the king would set up an image (TSELEM) of himself in every corner of his empire so people would know whose kingdom they were in. Genesis is saying that just as a king would place images of himself around so people would know who was ruling,

‘So God has placed his own image, human beings, into his world so that the world can see who its ruler is.’
N. T. Wright

Through our learning, our work, our culture, our relationships, technology, the arts, medicine; we are with humility to add goodness and beauty to families and societies and creation so that God’s whole project becomes a glorious delight to all who see it.

Your job, your destiny, is to reflect the holy reign of God down on to the earth-to care for all of creation and particularly human beings the way God would want you to; And then to gather up all the goodness and delight of the earth and put it into words and offer it to God in worship.

Your destiny is to be contribute more creative God-given goodness to the earth than you can currently imagine; And to offer more earthy joy and gratitude to God than you can currently contain.

The Bibles’ language for this is: you will be a king; you will be a priest. And this is not a solo act. We are to do this in community. To be a KINGDOM of PRIESTS.

The main task of leaders today is not to build bigger churches. The main task is the creation of a kingdom of priests.

If I am to lead in a way that honors the Imago Dei in each person, I must value the formation of their character above the usefulness of their gifts. I must value the integrity of our community above its visible success. I must fear the rise of sin more than I do the loss of productivity.

The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the new city, and his servants will worship him…and they will reign for ever and ever.
Revelation 22:3-5

I got this question yesterday and I thought it was valid for everybody:

I’ve been trying to read my Bible more, but when I do, I feel like what I’m reading doesn’t really apply and I want to get the most out of what I’m reading, but can never seem to do so. Do you have any suggestions on what passages or books I should dig into?

Here’s my thoughts on this topic:

First off, if you want a long-term relationship with your Bible, you’ve got to change your lens. It’s not ALWAYS going to apply to your life at that moment. It’s about understanding God, digging into who He is and trying to figure out why He does what He does. There is a reason for everything from the endless lists of geneology to John 3:16. Yes, some of it is more interesting than others, but in order to grow into a mature Christian, we’ve got to move past the need for only self-gratification from His Word and into a student of God.

Now, that being said, God’s Word is living and active and there will be plenty of times when it jumps off of the page, applies to your life, and sucks the air out of your chest from conviction or illumination. And a very real issue is helping newer Bible readers lean towards passages that are more geared to that experience. Below I have included a list of New Testament passages that are keys to understanding Christ. Many of these chapters are the ones that are “easier” to read and you’ll find it enjoyable. I would recommend interspersing some of the other chapters between Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, since they are all similar. I also suggest having a plan, following the plan, and not just randomly opening the Bible to see what God has to say. The Bible is a historical book and needs to be read within context. You can get great plans at that comes right to your technical devices, too!

Basically, the key is to find some balance. Keep reading no matter what the emotions behind it. The Bible is like vitamins, not medicine. If you take it regularily, you’ll stay healthy…but you need all of your vitamins, not just the ones you like! I would eat pizza and dessert everyday of my life if I could, but the reality check is that I need a good vegetable now and then. You’ll also find that the more you eat your “vegetables”, the more you like them.

If you read a chapter in your Bible and feel as if that was a “waste of time”, just know that it wasn’t a waste and never will be. Compounded over time, the Bible becomes a solid foundation in your heart and life. So, relax, keep reading, and enjoy the moments that are especially breathtaking. There will be plenty!

Matthew 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 17, 26, 27, 28
Mark 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 15, 16
Luke 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, 24
John 1, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21
Acts 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15
Romans 5, 6, 7, 8, 12
1 Corinthians 1, 2, 13
2 Corinthians 4, 5, 8, 9
Galatians 5, 6
Ephesians 4, 5, 6
Philippians 2, 4
Colossians 1, 4
1 Thess. 2, 4
2 Thess. 3
1 Timothy 1, 3
2 Timothy 3, 4
Titus 2
Hebrews 10, 11, 12, 13
James 1, 2, 3
1 Peter 1, 5
2 Peter 1
1 John 1, 2
2 John
3 John

Great weekend! Here’s my highlights:

We had a surprise visit from two missionaries, Mary and Jonathan Winters. They are from Indonesia, but are currenty residing in Vancouver. I love having missionaries visit! They are truly heroes of Christianity.

Our small group signup is in full swing and going great. If you plan on being in a group, it’s officially time to get your name on a list. You can see all of our groups on our website at under the ministries link.

The worship team was giddy with excitement over our new inner-ear monitors and a click track. We have been saving for four years and thanks to our best ever year of giving in 2010, we made it happen. They sounded awesome yesterday and apparently really appreciated the new equipment.

One claim to fame about North Creek: we have no debt. We have lived without lots of things and saved for them appropriately until we could afford them outright. If you were in charge of our money, that’s what we would want you to do, so since we’re in charge of your money, we do the same. If we do a building project someday, that may be the exception, but we won’t rack up debt and interest payments everytime we need to spend $1000 dollars. That adds up and bites you in the behind down the road. Or maybe God will just dump a few million dollars in our lap and we’ll pay for a whole building in cash….I like that plan!

All three services were within 8 people of each other in attendance. That is PERFECT!!!! Moving the 9:00 to 9:30 made a HUGE difference in both Sunday services. It’s haunting to know that one little change can make such a big difference. What one little thing in your life would make all of the difference????

We are far more concerned with growing a healthy church than a popular one. Ironically, if we are healthy, popularity is inevitable. The reason that most churches don’t go the route of health first is that gimmicks and fast growth are much easier. Constantly correcting, guiding, and molding a church towards being Godly first is MUCH slower in the beginning.

I had to stop two teenagers from kissing in class on Saturday…oh, wait…those were preschoolers…Just wait, Pastor Kris, they will be yours in 8 years!

Speaking of kissing, Mark and I had lunch with one of our young couples after church on Sunday! We are excited for their future and to watch God shape their marriage and life together.

Great message on hope yesterday as well. Where is your ladder leaning? If your hope is in anything but Jesus, your ladder is bound to fall.

Have a great week! Do something for Jesus this week.

I’ve just got to tell you…I despise zodiac signs. I think reading a horoscope from the newspaper is about as legitimate as taking dating advice from stuff written inside of a bathroom stall. I shudder when people quote their horoscope to determine their daily decisions. I don’t care what the stars tell me because quite frankly, God made them. I’d rather go straight to the source and take His advice about who I am before some stars that He put in alignment.

This outrage is only compounded by the news that is coming out today that the zodiac signs are changing because of the moon’s gravitational pull. My whole life I have been told that Cancer’s are loyal, attached to family, emotional, sensitive, and moody. My first complaint has always been that most of that is completely the opposite of me! Thank goodness that I didn’t try and live up to my dear horoscope because all of this time I would have been trying to be someone that I clearly am not.

The better news is that apparently that shift in the universe has righted this horrific wrong in my life. I am apparently now a gemini because the stars say so. Gemini’s are energetic, clever, imaginative, witty, impulsive, and devious. That is just much more fitting if you know anything about me. But here’s the problem that I still have with zodiac signs and horoscopes…they can apparently change.

I don’t know about the God that you serve, but my God NEVER changes. And the best news of all…what He says about who I am NEVER changes. No matter what I do, no matter what happens to me…every promise He made, every declaration over my life…it’s all still true. No gravitational pull moves my God.

If you are going to read a passage everyday about who you are and what you should do, there’s a better plan. Pour the Bible out over your life and see what happens in you and through you. You see, my sign is “Child of God”. I don’t have to worry about what catergory anyone else wants to put me in.

I don’t like to see people fail, unless maybe it’s a bloopers video for a skateboarder who made a bad call and was lucky to make it out with only a few bumps or bruises! That’s funny. But true failure when it involves sin or a bad decision is just brutal…and I especially don’t like to have to be the one to talk to someone about that failure! Isn’t that the worst possible thing to face in a day? It conjures up memories of when people have had to correct me…that sinking feeling of despair where you want to crawl under your desk in embarrassment and shame…you know what I mean!

Watching your children fail is probably the worst part of parenthood as well. It’s that helpless feeling as a mom or dad seeing your child have to feel the pain of their sins. You know that you have to let them feel that pain, but nonetheless I’m not sure whether those situations are worse for the kid or the parent. It’s just awful.

In staff meeting a few months ago Chris Harold said something that stuck with me regarding this topic. He said, “We can’t rob people of failure.” What a profound way to look at a difficult thing! When we try to smooth things over too quickly and not allow people to feel the weight of disappointment, we are actually robbing them of a growth opportunity.

I definitely see that in my own life. I hate those “crawl-under-the-desk” moments, but I also see that each one of them clearly molded and shaped my character…and still do! I am thankful for the people in my life who were brave enough to call me on it and then kind enough to crawl under the desk with me and console my wounded character.

Sometime soon you will fail. It’s the inevitable part of life. And I hope that when you are cowering in that shame you will say to yourself, “Good news, self. You weren’t robbed of an opportunity to grow today.” Then dust yourself off, thank the person who corrected you, and try again. You can do it!