It was my birthday yesterday! I got to go to church, have lunch at IHOP (my favorite!), hang out with some of my favorite people at staff meeting, and I even squeezed in a movie last night.
It was the wettest July 17th on record for our area yesterday…I can’t remember a rainy birthday in my whole life, so that was new.
Church was great! Josiah Thalhofer preached. He is a memorization master! His notes would make your head spin because you can’t follow them, but I’ve come to realize they are just a map around his brain and it’s all in order in there somewhere. He doesn’t look at notes and yet it was the same message both services…YIKES! Wonderful message on pain. You’ll be able to catch that online by tomorrow.
I am praying for a video production wizard to come into our church. We do pretty well faking excellence in that department, but I know what a well-trained, creative video editor can do. Especially college-age males who have too much time on their hands!!!!! We need one that is pre-trained, since none of us have any real business training anybody!
We are revamping the kids check in…Phase 1 complete. Now on to some tweaking! If you aren’t checking in or checking out kids, please stay out of that area. It will help make everything much smoother and a much more secure environment!
I’m running out of positive adjectives to describe our worship team. Next week will will have Matt Garner’s CD available for purchase at the coffee bar. Tiffany Wisecarver’s will be coming soon. I look forward to the day when we produce our own worship CD with our team, but we’re not quite to that point, yet…
This week we are moving the sound booth to accomodate more chairs, so the good news that you can come to church and have a seat…for a couple of months anyway. 🙂 We are also getting some new chairs this week from another church which will help a lot!
I’m feeling the need to do a creative project. That usually involves lots of work and pain from a lot of people. Good thing that Josiah just spoke on the value of pain, huh?
Mark went to a community meeting last week and when he was introduced a lady said, “North Creek? As in the Coffee Church? I LOVE what you are doing and I follow you all the time online! I just wished I lived closer!” Shucks…
Maybe this is the week that God will answer some of our prayers for So excited to get going on the next phase of what God is doing at North Creek!