
Monthly Archives: June 2012

This is a monumental day in the life of North Creek! But to understand it’s importance, you’ll need to step back in time 5 and a half years ago.

On September 24, 2006 we celebrated the Grand Opening of North Creek Church. It was that day that Chris and Gina Harold walked in the door with their new baby, Isaiah. We had known Gina years before as a student in our youth ministry. She had been in Kris Gray’s small group and was in the first class we graduated at our previous church. Chris and Gina had just moved back to Vancouver and needed a church. That day they became a part of our church and our hearts.

Chris has played multiple roles throughout the last five years at North Creek, but all the while has been very successful in a full time job. We watched their family carry the weight of ministry and career with grace and determination, but it has long been our desire to hire Chris full time. Today is that day.

Chris will be preaching 40+ times a year at either one of our campuses, bringing creativity to the table on multiple fronts, heading up future building plans/dreams, continuing to provide leadership within the youth ministry alongside Gina, and developing leaders as part of his new job. Needless to say, we are very excited to have Chris’ influence for 40 hours a week within our church and the community.

Last Sunday Chris talked about his dream for a Porsche as part of always wanting “more”. There’s a good chance that he gave up that desire yesterday along with his corporate job. He traded prestige for a pulpit and worldly wealth for God’s call to ministry. We know that decision never comes lightly, but we also know that God will bless it beyond what Chris and Gina can possibly imagine…not only in their lives, but in Isaiah and Jezrae’s lives as well. We are very impressed that they chose to listen to what God asked of them and take the step of faith. Here’s to a bright future!

So congratulations to the Harold Family and congratulations to North Creek! This is quite the adventure and today marks yet another exciting part of it. With tears in our eyes and anticipation in our hearts, we give all the glory to God. He has done great things.

Another good week at the Coffee Church! Here are the weekly highlights:

I turned in my first camp registration for my daughter to attend camp this summer. So excited for her to go!

We are gearing up to leave in 5 weeks for the North Creek Missions Trip to the Dominican Republic. Please pray for the 13 of us as we go to work with teenagers in another country. We are pretty excited about it!

LOTS of baptism registration forms turned in. Some people can’t be there on July 1, so we’re in the process of putting together alternate days to make that happen! We have a portable hot tub, so anytime, anywhere works for us!

Our youth pastor honored the Hazel Dell Campus grads this weekend. It’s always fun to take a little time and thank them for being a part of our youth ministry and church!

Speaking of youth…they leave for summer camp in two weeks. Make sure you add that to your prayer list as well!

We are in the process of re-building our 11:00 am Hazel Dell Campus. Almost everyone who transferred to Battle Ground in the merge came out of that service, so it took a momentum hit. It went from our biggest service to our smallest almost overnight, but now it seems to be getting healthier by the week. That’s the price of caring more about the mission of God than anything else! We needed room, we prayed for room, we got room, now we are back to praying for a filled room. It’s the life-cycle of North Creek.

Our staff is gearing up for our Grand Opening/Six Year Celebration on Sept. 23. That’s when we are officially launching Battle Ground. Yeah, I know, it looks pretty launched to me, too. We thought it would take longer, but it didn’t, so I guess our Grand Opening is now just a reason for a party. As long as there’s coffee…

Wednesday is a very important day for Mark and I. I’ll tell you why on Wednesday!

We are now less than a month away from three of our key leaders having their babies…in the same week. I may just pitch a tent at the hospital.

The kid’s learned about baptism in class yesterday. How do you know when your child is old enough? I have no idea. I think as a parent, you have to know your child and weigh out whether they understand who Jesus is and the fact that they need to devote their lives to him as part of the commitment of baptism. Every kid is different! We haven’t baptized a child under 7 years old at North Creek, but even then, it’s a personal decision for every family.

On that note, it’s going to be a GREAT week! I just decided. See you on Father’s Day next Sunday! It’s going to be an awesome Sunday!!!!

How many complaints do you think are sent out into the universe on any given day? Have you ever thought about the ramifications of those complaints? What is the toll on the people who hear complaints? What is the toll on the complainers? It’s an interesting thought to sum up the amount of energy is takes to process a complaint.

I’m sure that there are valid reasons for complaining now and again, but I’m also sure that in my own life there has been VERY few times that complaining has been beneficial. So, if that’s true, the bulk of my complaints have been…well, NOT beneficial. That has lead me to think about just how much of my voice I would like to lend to words that are not a benefit to others or myself.

I’m as guilty as the next guy and I admit it’s a hard one to swallow. I find it easy to justify my pettiness by saying, “I’m just giving my opinion.” or “I just thought they should know what I think because maybe other people are thinking the same thing.” But if I look in the mirror deep enough, I have to admit that at least 9 out of 10 times the world would still spin smoothly if I just shut up. Did you know that the dictionary definition of the word complain includes: “to find fault”? When we complain about someone we are finding fault with them. If we were truly working toward the same goal, we wouldn’t do that. So, every time we compalin, we are saying, “I’m not working with that person towards the goal. They aren’t on my team.”

Being a pastor, I think about the toll that complaining takes on the church and therefore the mission of God. If complaints are mostly without benefit and have a goal of finding fault, then if we choose to complain about the Bride of Christ, what does God think about that? It must grieve God when we use our words to validate that we are not working with each other in the most important mission there will ever be.

So, here’s my challenge. Every time you want to complain – via your mouth, email, text, or whatever, say something encouraging instead. What would our world be like if most of the complaints were exchanged for words that uplifted, united, and validated? What would your marriage be like? How would your pastor lead if he only heard encouragement from his congregation? How would your kids behave if you lead them instead of complained about them? Pretty astounding thought.

Good luck. We’re all going to need it!

This weekend signifies two months into our merge/multisite adventure! It’s going very well and both campuses are getting stronger by the week. Our goal all along has been to be steady and strong at all of our services by September, and I’m pretty sure we are well on our way to that! God has been good!

Emily lead worship at Hazel Dell this weekend and knocked it out of the park! You better watch out, Emily, or we’ll start a whole new campus just for you!!!! Some of you are wondering if I’m joking…

Matt Garner was a guest worship leader for a Men’s Retreat this weekend. Yeah, he’s famous now! He took Lee with him to drum, so I’m sure they had ridiculous amounts of fun.

Battle Ground had it’s highest attendance yesterday since the launch. Their kids classes were bursting at the seams, so they are on track to add a service in the near future. In the meantime, if you like to work with kids, jump in!

We started getting baptism forms for the Park Day on July 1. So far we have five…who wants to be #6? Send me an email at and we’ll be glad to get you dunked! Celebrating a life committed to Christ is the BEST!

The High School Graduates were honored at Battle Ground this week and at Hazel Dell next week! What a momentous occasion for a teenager! We are super proud of each of you and trust that you will do amazing things with your lives. We also have some college grads that we have gotten to celebrate with as well!

Would you pray for North Creek this week? Mark is having our staff set aside time each day to pray specifically for our church and we’d love for you to join us. We want God’s will, His blessings, and His provision for what we need to do.

Father’s Day is in two weeks. Invite your dad to church. We’ll feed him a hot dog for breakfast, which sounds awful, but somehow men like it. I don’t get it. If you served women hot dogs on Mother’s Day, we’d be offended.

My small group is about to come over for dinner, so I’ve got to go hang out with some pretty cool people! Have a great week!

One thing that I think is lacking in American parents is planning the spiritual growth of our kids. We schedule appointments regularly for vaccines, dentists, and well-child check ups. We meet quarterly for parent/teacher conferences, and we painstakingly think through sports, practices, equipment and safety. However, when was the last time that we sat down and thought out how to mold and shape our kids as they walk with Jesus? Here are some of the ways that Mark and I are facilitating our children being in environments where they will meet with God and develop relationships with other people trying to be like Jesus:

1. We attend church. I know this is a “Duh” statement as pastors, but if we quit ministry tomorrow, we would be in church the next Sunday because we believe in God’s plan for church. My kids have some freedom within that: they can be in Kid’s class, sit in the main service, or work in Tiny Town. My kids rarely complain about going to church (or school for that matter) and I think the reason is that they know there’s not an option. I know that the average American family only attends church about 25-50% of the time, but from my perspective, it’s the consistency that makes the difference. If my kids aren’t there, they don’t make friends. If they don’t make friends, they struggle when they are there. I know that some families have custody issues that impact regular attendance, but that would just make the “on” weekends all the more valuable in my home.

2. My kids will go to camps, conferences, missions trips, and other “away events” on a regular basis. My kids need to love Jesus on their own and we decided before they were born to make church camp (and other events) a priority. I believe that one week away ever summer facilitates their relationship with God separate from us. Statistics prove that my kids will walk away from Jesus when they are 18 if we don’t allow them the freedom to figure out their own love for God. Although I believe weekly church attendance can play a role in that, I also believe in the power of getting away on planned spiritual retreats.

3. We provide them with Bibles. I did a lot of research about age-appropriate Bibles to find the right ones for the right stages of my kids. If our kids don’t have a Bible in the house that they can read, it is impossible for them to develop that habit of daily being with Jesus. They are never too young to read the Bible! Kennedy has a picture Bible that graphically tells the great stories of the Bible without words. She’s been “reading” it for 4 years and is now ready for the next step.

4. We pray together. Sometimes we pray over meals, sometimes we don’t. We really don’t make one way of praying a priority, but rather we pepper prayer throughout life in general. If there’s a scraped knee, we pray. If someone is angry, we pray. If daddy cooked dinner, we pray ALOT! Just kidding… But we do want to model for our kids how to handle the tough situations in their life and show them the need to immediately turn to God.

So, there’s some of the big ones. I’m not even saying that these should be on your list, but what I am saying is to think through what your list looks like. How are you fitting spirituality into your parenting? Maybe you are really new to Jesus and are still trying to figure out your own spiritual plan…good…let your kids in on that and develop a plan with them! They don’t need you to know it all; they need you to be growing and teach them how to grow as well!