
Monthly Archives: December 2012

Last night I crept into my 6 year old’s room and laid down next to her.  I could hear her deep breaths as she slept and feel the warmth of her next to me.  I began to cry for all of the parents in Connecticut who will never get the opportunity to do that again.

And I know that today, yet another face will appear on the screen of a young, angry person who committed the ultimate terror spree.  It seems like it is always a similar story: He enters a public place armed with a weapon and rage.  We wait to hear the fallout and guage the horror of his actions.  We ask the same questions, we get the same nonsensical answers.  We look into the faces of our children and try to imagine them living in a world filled with fear.  Some days the shooting spree is halfway across America and we attempt to pretend that would never happen where we live.  Some days it happens down the street.

As all of our hearts break over the two shootings this week in Oregon and Connecticut, we often ask ourselves how we can stop this.  Although we can never eliminate hatred in our fallen world, I do think we can make a difference.  I believe, even in the face of evil, that the love of Christ still changes things.  We will never erradicate all of the horror that free-will can create, but if we pour out love on the unlovable, the wounded, the lonely…we may save some.

So, what can we do?  It may be simple, but here’s where I think we start: Dive headfirst into the lives of children and teenagers.  Volunteer in children’s ministries, youth ministries, or outside organizations devoted to our young people.  Walk the streets of your neighborhoods and get to know the young people who live next door to you.  Look into the eyes of kids and teens and tell them they are LOVED, VALUED, and WORTHY.  We live in a world that is full of hurt, pain, and rejection.  Our voices, as Christians, have got to shout above the awful voices and BE the love of Christ.  And the best place to start is with “our” children.  Not just the ones you birthed, but all of them.

There will undoubtedly be an anti-gun debate that quickly errupts in the media, but I think the greater issue is that we have tried to create an America that is anti-God.  At this crossroads, it is quite evident that we must openly, loudly, and proudly proclaim Christ as the answer to this situation and our nation.  He is the HOPE of this world and right now, we need hope desperately.

Bottom line: We may grieve deeply, but we must act daily.  Fear is not an option.  Failure is not an option.  Forgetting is not an option.

We love you Clackamas and Connecticut.  We are praying.

This week we celebrated two very dynamic Christmas Concerts at our Battle Ground and Hazel Dell Campuses.  Over 350 people joined us to ring in the Christmas season.  The concerts were beautiful, but that’s never where God leaves our efforts, now is it?  He’s always got a bigger purpose for our work and He speaks to hearts at moments we may not expect.  I wanted to share the story below from a family that is quite new to our church, but have become quite important to our hearts.  Enjoy!

God first showed up in my life 29 years ago. I was active in my youth group, so much so that at 15, I went on a mission trip to Mexico. It was a moving experience in so many ways. My faith had always been strong as a youth, but this mission would touch my life in ways I would never know and it would take years to come full circle.

While on the mission trip, we crossed the border into a small Mexican town every day. I volunteered in an orphanage, handing out toiletries and food. I played with the kids and helped clean up and repair the building and grounds. The children were so happy to be with people who cared for them and wanted to help make their lives better. But it was one little girl, named Isabella, would touch my heart in a way that I had never experienced.

Every morning, I was so excited to see my little Isabella. Despite the deplorable living conditions in the small town she was living in, her smile made the world a very beautiful place. She was always full of spunk and life, holding my hand non-stop and never leaving my side. At the end of the day, when I had to leave and go back to California, we would hug so tightly and rub noses.

When I arrived at the orphanage the last day, I was greeted by that precious smile; the tiny hand, and warm heart. We spent the day playing and laughing. We did not speak the same words, but our souls spoke the same language. At the end of the day, the children were told that we would be leaving for home the next day and not coming back. My heart broke. As we were getting ready to leave, Isabella grabbed my legs and held tight. I got on my knees and held her tightly. I told her that I loved her and that I would pray for her every day. I told her God would keep her safe and she was going to grow up and do amazing things. I told her she would always be in my heart.

That mission trip forever changed my life. I have never forgotten that little girl. Every once in a while, over the past few decades, she has randomly come up in conversation. An anecdote…a memory….until a day in 2007 when another orphaned girl changed my life forever.

I had always wanted to be a mother…meet prince charming and have some children. However, that was not to be for me, at least not the natural way. I was resigned to that and had come to terms with the fact that I was never going to be a mom. I embraced the children of my friends and family. My life was filled with more children that I could imagine, but I was still a little empty. I still had THOSE pangs. I always pushed them back and moved forward with my life. I thought this was God’s plan for me and I was ok with that.

Adoption had never crossed my mind as a path to parenthood. It wasn’t until I reconnected with a childhood friend, that adoption became a possibility. She had recently adopted a baby girl from China and we were planning a visit to meet her and catch up. It was after that meeting that the topic of adoption became a serious discussion. After much prayer and investigation, the decision was made to adopt a baby girl from China. It was a long, paperwork filled process and, after a 2 year wait and a trip halfway around the world, a beautiful 9 month old baby girl was placed in my arms. My lifelong dream had finally come true. God showed up in my life and had blessed me with a miracle. I was a mom.

Twenty nine years after one little orphaned girl had so touched my heart and soul with such love, another had filled it completely with the same. Two little girls, left alone in the world, had changed mine so immeasurably. God had planted a seed all those years ago to prepare me for the life He had planned for me now.

Tonight, as I sat with my beautiful six year old daughter, listening to the story of the creation and music celebrating our Savior, my soul was touched again. After the concert was over, my daughter looked at me and said, “Momma, my favorite part was the story of God. He made the earth and made it light, but then it went dark for a long time. But then, he made it light again and for forever. I like that, Mom.” It was all I could do not to cry. We made our way home, and after brushing teeth and crawling into bed, I kissed my daughter and told her I was so glad that God had touched her heart…to which she replied, “Momma, God didn’t touch my heart, God is IN my heart.”  Tonight, God TRULY showed up in both of our lives.

 –Terrance, Kari, and Sophia

It’s going to be a fun week at North Creek!  We have the Christmas Concert on Tuesday at Battle Ground and Wednesday at Hazel Dell.  Everyone is welcome, so invite a friend!  Childcare is provided for nursery and preschool children.  Kindergarteners and up will enjoy the event.  We have some special surprises for them throughout the night!  Admission is free, but if you are able to bring a toy for local kids who need a Christmas, we’d appreciate it.



Yesterday we had great services all around!  Mark spoke a vision message at Hazel Dell about where we are going and what we are believing God for in the future.  Lots of exciting things in store for us!  Over at Battle Ground, Matt Bumala spoke on surrending to God.  Matt is new to our teaching team and knocked it out of the park.  He’ll be at Hazel Dell in early January, so hold on!

Next week we kick off our Christmas series called Arrival.  Christmas is always a wonderful time to once again be awed by how God orchestrated the birth of Jesus in an unexpected, unconventional way!  Don’t miss the next two weeks as we stop all of the busy activities and remember the reason we celebrate!

Congrats to Mike Krause who graduated with his master’s last week!  We are super proud of your accomplishments and appreciate the investment you make into the children in KidCity!

Life is really messy.  We deal with a lot of messes (some of which we make ourselves!).  We really can’t spend our time being afraid of allowing people into our messes to help us!  The church is designed by God to be the place where you can take all your imperfections and be loved anyway.  Come on in!

It’s almost the end of 2012!  Can you believe it?  I can’t wait to see what 2013 brings.  I felt like 2012 was a year of planting and I want 2013 to be a year of growth.  Bring it on, God!  We have so many dreams to see God fulfill and so much work to do…it’s going to be fun!

Our family got two kittens last week after having to say goodbye to our 15 year old cat, Max.  Did you know kittens rambunciously play all night long?  If I look a little tired, it’s because I am.  I’m just sympathizing with all of the new moms at North Creek!

Remember to schedule a time to fast and pray before the end of the year.  God does miracles and if you need one…ask.  You just never know when He might do something that changes everything.

I hope you are enjoying every minute of this Christmas season!  Keep Jesus the main thing and enjoy the amazing relationships you have in your life.  We’ll see you at one of the Christmas Concerts this week!  Blessings!




A while ago I was judged…openly, verbally, shockingly…judged.  I listened to the voice on the phone and my jaw literally dropped!  I was stunned and amazed at the words on the other end.  They were words assessing my validity, integrity, and honesty, and they weren’t kind.  I hung up the phone and the room was spinning!  I tried to gain some composure within myself, but I didn’t know how to process how UNFAIR those feelings were in my heart.  Welcome to the world, Stacy!  It ain’t always pretty!

In the process of trying to understand it and asking God to help me sort it out, I got a lot of perspective.  Here’s some thoughts I wanted to share on how to cope with being judged:

1.  Does the Judger even know you?  The person on the other end of the phone didn’t know me at all.  That day was literally the only day we have ever spoken and it wasn’t on a subject that has any eternal relevance.  Frankly, if I had thicker skin, I’d have shrugged my shoulders, hung up the phone, and continued making dinner for my family.  After all, I can’t live my life based on the opinions of people who don’t know me at all, and neither can you!  Somehow we need to learn how to put value on the opinions of people invested in our growth and limit the effect of the opinions of critics and strangers.

2.  Is the Judger forced to make the decision, even if it hurts you?  As a leader, I make decisions (judgments) in a split second that may hurt the individual, but I’ve got to look out for the whole.  If someone wants to work in our children’s ministry, but I’m not convinced they are reputable, they don’t get through the door…even if they pass a background check.  Why?  Because I am willing to judge one, as a leader, for the benefit of the whole.  It sounds awful, especially if you are on the receiving end of judgment, but we’ve all got to realize that we may be wrongly put in that position one day, and it’s OK.  I’d rather have someone wrongly judge me in a split second decision than be too insecure to make hard calls for the benefit of the big picture.  If that’s your case, take a deep breath, put down your offense, and work to gain the trust and appreciation of the leader.  It’s worth the work, because that’s the type of leader you’ll want to follow.

3.  Is the Judger right?  If you feel judged and it hurts you, there are one of two reasons why you are wounded…It’s either not true or it is.  If you feel judged, weigh it out and look in the mirror.  It’s not fun, but it is an opportunity to grow.  You may be being fairly judged and you just don’t want to admit it.

No matter what catergory or situation you are in, the biggest thing to keep in mind is that no judgment is worth you carrying an offense.  Pray it out, forgive, and get going on to bigger and better things!  You’re worth the work of forgiveness!  Be blessed!

coffee church lightsWhat a weekend!  On Saturday we decorated both campuses!  Thank you to so many of you who showed up to help.  “Work” Days are often the times when friendships are formed and stories are written.  I LOVE ’em!

We got A LOT of comments about how beautiful the Christmas “Chandeliers” turned out.  Here’s the trick: Hula Hoops criss crossed with fishing line where bulbs hang randomly down.  Before you start bulbing, wrap your hula hoop with icicle lights.  They are time consuming, but inexpensive.

Our stage also consisted of a really cool wood structure that will continue to be a part of our stages in the future.  And here’s the eye-deceiver at Hazel Dell….the back wall is PAINTED to look like wood.  It’s not real.  I bet you’ll come back to church next Sunday just to see what I’m talking about.  You’ll tell yourself that you thought it was real wood.  Alecia Krause is our genius painter!

I had a young lady ask to be baptized on Sunday.  If you are ready to be baptized as well, you can fill out a form at  We have a portable hot tub so anytime you are ready, so are we!  I love baptisms!!!!

We had a new Tiny Town teacher this weekend.  Thanks to Michelle for jumping in!

Mark preached at Battle Ground and the Deaf Church this weekend.  Always a privilege to be at our Deaf Campus.  I don’t know sign language, but it’s another reason that I am a Facebook fan!  Such an easy way to communicate with the hearing and the deaf.  If you are not my friend, find me!

Speaking of Facebook…our last small group was filled with a lot of Facebook junkies.  I noticed that many of them became fast friends because they had an additional way to communicate on a regular basis.  I had never had that happen before, but thoroughly enjoyed watching it!

We got a new baby at Battle Ground yesterday!  Congrats to Tatiana!!!

coffee church teamOur staff team did a video shoot this weekend for some of the upcoming Christmas events.  We laughed, we cried, we ate fudge…  We have such an amazing team!  We were missing a few of them, but nonetheless, we had a good time.  Thanks to Brian Enquist of Home Video Studio of Vancouver for filming us and to the Swensons for having us over to destroy your house.  Have I mentioned that I appreciated the fudge???  Cause I did….a lot.

It’s December!  In honor of the Modern Family sermon series, spend this month reconciling one relationship before the new year.  I know it’s not always that simple, but what if it is?  What if the worst relationship in your life can be exponentially better with a phone call?  This is life, so it might get worse, but the risk might also be worth it….you’ll never know until you try.

Now, I’m off to make that phone call…  Be blessed!