
Monthly Archives: January 2013

Have you ever thought about what the most important word is in the English language?  What would you pick?

Maybe love…faith…hope?

Perhaps something a little more epic like freedom or perseverance.

Maybe you’d pull the Bible class answer and go with Jesus or God…after all, who can argue with that?  They are definitely the most precious words that you can utter with your tongue.

All of those words are important and meaningful, but my guess is that everything in the world hinges on a much less impressive word.  My guess is that the entire world could be changed, not by something substantial and ostentatious, but rather something so simple that most of us would read right past it without noticing.

My guess is that YOUR life is hinged on this very word as well.

We find it in 2 Chronicles 7:14 – If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

I’m pretty confident that the word is “If.”  Once you get past the “Ifs” in your life, there is power that shakes a nation.  Try it… “My people, who are called by my name, have humbled themselves and prayed.  They have sought my face, they have turned from their wicked ways, I have heard from heaven, and I have forgiven their sins.  I have healed their land.”

The sentence goes from a nice idea to a utopia of God’s provision and peace with the removal of just two letters.

My challenge for you, as you head into this new year, is to find the areas of your own life where you have two letters stopping you from all that God has planned for you.

Where are your “ifs”?

“If I would honor God with my purity…”

“If I would give Him my tithe…”

“If I would take the leap of faith…”

“If I would forgive that person…”

“If I wasn’t afraid…”

Get out the eraser of your life and change the sentences of your future.  God has abundant blessings and provisions for you, but it all hinges on us taking one small step of obedience.

Make 2013 the year without “ifs”.


Welcome back!  After a week off, it was nice to see people back in the actual buildings of this thing called “Church”.  A lot of people came early to chat and drink coffee, so my guess is that they actually missed each other…that might be a good sign!

Another pregnancy to announce…if you want to know who it is, check Matt and Andrea Garner’s facebook pages.  Yep, that’s right, our Hazel Dell Worship Leader and his bride, our HD Kid’s Coordinator, are growing their ministries by one.  SURPRISE!  I’m telling you, that coffee has something in it…

I walked into KidCity yesterday and watched the kids sing for a little bit.  Nothing is cuter than 15 kids doing their best “Air Guitar for Jesus” at the end of their worship songs.  We celebrate when kids are having fun learning about Jesus!  We think that’s true for adults, too.

Matt Bumala and Josiah Thalhofer took the sermons over the weekend!  They are both part of our teaching team and we are BLESSED to have them!  We love bringing up younger preachers and giving them a platform to share their hearts.  We are never disappointed by the quality they bring to the table!

We got two very difficult phone calls last week with some life tragedies within our church.  That’s where the reality of ministry sets in fast.  It is always an honor to rejoice with those who rejoice, but it is equally an honor to mourn with those who mourn.  To be allowed in to the deepest fears and sadness in people’s lives is humbling at best.  We are praying for these situations and trusting God to show up in enormous ways.

We are off and running for a great year at North Creek!  We are nailing out our entire year of sermon series and topics that we will be addressing.  It’s going to be a great year!

Go Seahawks!

I love this quote: “You need to change because your memories exceed your dreams.” – Carey Nieuwhof.  So, what are you holding on to because of what it “once was…”. Let it go!!!!

Who are you praying for?  Make this year one where you are focusing on the spiritual needs of someone around you.

Let’s change the world!



I love New Years!  Sometimes I love it because it means a difficult year has passed and sometimes I love it because a wonderful year has ended well.  Either way, a New Year continues to symbolize hope in my life, heart, and spirit.

As we turn the corner to our year, we are excited for the next step of North Creek Church.  2012 proved to be a year with a tremendous learning curve as we began a multisite concept with the merge in Battle Ground.  We feel like our footing is solid, our systems are stabilizing, and our giving is growing.  It is with great excitement and expectancy that we step into this year ready to grow!

Some of the dreams on our heart include finding Hazel Dell a permanent home (or semi-permanent as we are always willing to move wherever God wants us!), growing our Small Group ministry base, creating an on-campus presence for the Battle Ground Youth, adding 30 new volunteers for our two existing campuses, stabilizing and preparing our churches for the addition of more campuses, building on the momentum of Be Present to impact our communities, and of course, continuing to baptize at least a couple dozen people a year!

So, how can you help us move the ball down the field?

1.  Start to give.  If you are already giving, thank you – it makes a difference!  For 2013, we want to encourage non-givers to step out in faith and watch God not only grow our church through faithfulness, but to grow individual lives through obedience.  This includes regular giving to support North Creek as a whole and our Be Present campaign to reach out to the needs in our community and world.

2.  Lead a small group!  If you are interested in facilitating or hosting a small group, we would love to sit down with you and go over the details.  It is a great opportunity to meet new friends and grow together.  Email Amy at for more information.  Also, if you aren’t ready to lead, being a part of a group helps build a healthy community!

3.  Volunteer on Sunday mornings.  We have a great system where we only want you to work one service every month.  You can see all of our serving opportunities at  Right now we need at least one person in every position at each campus in order to have a full schedule.  Sign up today!

4.  Show up to church 15 minutes early and talk to people.  Yep.  That’s all we need!  Most people who visit our church come at least ten minutes early to get kids checked in and acclimate themselves.  It is a great opportunity for the church to be the church!

So much happening right now and so much to look forward to in our future!  Our prayer for you is that you find a place in the body of Christ and thrive.  Here’s to 2013!