Full weekend at the Coffee Church! We were up to our ears in helping people move, going to birthday parties, board meetings, and events. I was looking forward to a good nights sleep by the time Sunday rolled around. We are blessed to be a part of a community!
Congratulations to Journey Robertson and Mackenzie Harmon on their baptisms! There is nothing more exciting than watching people declare their desire to serve Jesus. We’ve got two more baptisms next week at Hazel Dell and then we are baptizing at Battle Ground on February 24. You can sign up on line at www.coffeechurch.com.
Just so you know, our board at North Creek is amazing! They are the group of people who carry the financial weight and deal with any issues we have. No glory for their job, but they are the MVP’s of this ministry!
Mark kicked off Straight Shooter at Battle Ground. We are reading, memorizing, and quoting James over the next month! He quoted James 1 on Sunday and we’ll continue to do that throughout the series. It’s going to be a good one! We have an 8 year old memorizing James 4 to quote for our church. Just in case you were wondering, James 4 talks about lust and adultery. That little girl has a LOT of questions for her parents this week…who ever said the Bible was boring????
Chris preached a great message in Hazel Dell about how to be a good rich person. Interesting spin on our perspective when we realize how rich we are in America. Let’s be generous! If you’re not giving, you’re not growing! Also, Chris and Drew, one of our 9 year olds, had matching sweaters on Sunday. If you’re going to emulate someone, Chris is a great option!
Our teens went to Generation Unleashed and had an amazing time! There is nothing like masses of teens praising our God. We are praying that God solidifies in their lives what He started in their hearts. If you want a valuable ministry, take time to pray for our young people. Junior High and High School is tumultuous at best, but we believe God has a plan for their lives that is astounding!
Thanks to Alissa for jumping from Battle Ground to Hazel Dell to help Matt lead worship…he’s trying really hard to lose his voice this week. Not a great plan for a person who sings for a living!
Small Groups are beginning this week with very full houses…going to be lots of fun! Ours was last night and I decided to have a kitchen fire just as the doorbell was ringing to begin…a housefull of fire and smoke was quite the kickoff! The Friday groups are still open if you’d like to jump in. I can’t guarantee your group will be as “hot” as mine… You can sign up online at www.coffeechurch.com.
The Kid City K-2nd Grade girls also had a cupcake and nail polish party after church on Sunday. Super cute watching a bunch of girls show off their high-heel cupcake creations! Thank you to Vanessa and Kim for leading it and for the kid staff for investing in the cutest girls EVER! If you’d like to be added to our Kid City Facebook Group, email kim@coffeechurch.com for all invitations and updates.
Whew! What a weekend! It’s not too often that we have that much going on, but it sure was a lot of fun! I hope you have an amazing week.