
Monthly Archives: November 2016

I’m back!  I took a month off of blogging to reset for a while.  It’s been a good fall and we are enjoying watching Jesus change lives and hearts!

First off…the Cubs won the World Series!  My dad has been a fan for his entire life and it’s about the only sports team I can remember watching through my childhood.  He watched the series with his cat named Cubby and agonized as his beloved team fought through some ups and downs.  I could not be more excited for my dad and his precious team.  Miracles do happen.

We had missionaries Jamie and Berly with us last week.  What a blessing that family is to us and the Dominican Republic.  They are some of the hardest workers I know and are a joy to give our missions money to!  If you’d like to give to missions every month, mark Be Present on your online giving or offering envelope.

You can also mark your calendars for January 22 for our next missionary guest, Amy Farley.  Amy’s story is one of both tragedy and triumphing.  You will be changed, so plan on being there!!!!

We are gearing up for our Christmas Service.  Our schedule as a mobile church is different this year, so take note that our service is on FRIDAY night, December 23.  We will not have our regularly scheduled services on Sunday (Christmas) morning.  We will have invite cards out soon so you can tell your friends and family.

Our Deaf Women were at a retreat this weekend and had a great time.  Jesus always changes hearts when we step outside of our regular life and give Him time to work!

510093_154_640036Ladies from our hearing church…Mark you calendars for next March.  We are headed to a Women’s Conference!  Andrea and Rachael are leading it and more information will be coming out soon.  The early registration deadline is December 31, so start asking for this as a Christmas gift! 🙂

We are still in the process of looking for a building!  We trust in God’s timing for just the right situation, so be praying!  In the meantime, Prairie is a great place to be and we are grateful for all that God does in people’s hearts no matter where we are.

And last, but certainly not least….Congrats to Justin and Melissa on the birth of Lucien!  Here is a link to their meal schedule:  MEALS LINK  If you are able to jump in and bless them that would be awesome!  Also, they could use some help this weekend with raking some leaves, so if you can’t cook, but are looking to help, let me know and we’ll get you connected.

We are praying for you!  If you go to our North Creek App, you’ll see a prayer request button.  If you have a need, let us know.  I guarantee you that our pastoral team sees them, prays, and knows that God is working on your behalf!  We love you.