April 10 Highlights

It was our first weekend without a Saturday service. I had moments of panic all day Saturday from being so used to my routine. I’m sure I’ll get it down, but it was strange! It was also fun to have two full services on Sunday. A lot of people commented that it was nice to see “old friends” who used to be at a different service.

Josiah Thalhofer preached and knocked it out of the park! We have a value in our church to believe and utilize a younger generation (he’s in his mid-twenties). There is no minimum age requirement to do something amazing and astounding for God! If you missed it, you need to watch it. A little note about Josiah…his dad required him to MEMORIZE the book of Matthew and the book of Proverbs before he could get his driver’s license. YIKES!

It was busy spring break for us! We went on a mini-trip to Seattle and then my mom came to visit from Montana. All the while, we are in the throws of launching a giving campaign. It was a full week!

We are stepping out in faith with a vision and a dream to redefine the traditional church building structure and use. Check out our idea at www.19centsoffaith.com. You can also follow us on twitter @19Centsoffaith for updates on how we are doing! People are already beginning to give! We will be unrolling the directon at North Creek Church on April 17. Come! www.coffeechurch.com

Mark and I have already begun to meet with businessmen and women in our community asking for them to get behind us in revitalizing Hazel Dell. It’s going to take an entire community for this one! We have already found that there are some SHARP people who are motivated to make a difference in our area. EXCITING!

We thought we had lost one of our staff kids on Sunday. We found her in the front row of the church, hands lifted high, worshipping Jesus. She’s seven.

I called upon some scrapbookers to help with some advertising we need. Seriously…you will not believe how cool it’s going to be! And I made fun of them for all of these years!!!

I am quite confident that God is up to something…

  1. audrey said:

    hey stacy! have you contacted the hazel dell foundation? it’s a newer group, i just did some work for them, and they also have a desire to revitalize hazel dell – they have a website if you haven’t talked to them already…i forget…i think it’s just hazeldellfoundation.org…fyi! i’m so excited for you!! love ya! audrey

    • Stacy Newell said:

      Thanks, Audrey!

  2. Katie Perron said:

    WOW!!! I just watched the message, what an amazing speaker and meaningful message. I miss Saturday night services but I am very thankful that I am able to watch the messages online. :O)

    • Stacy Newell said:

      Yes, he was sure amazing! We’re glad to have him on our team! And his wife is the best, too!

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