April 29 Highlights

AWESOME Sunday! Everything is getting easier to navigate as we slowly rebuild teams and systems. I think the Battle Ground media computer is our next nemesis to conquer as it seems to be trying to complicate our lives…we will overcome!!!!

On another note, small groups signups should be online tomorrow! We are working out the last few details before we publish, but they are looking good! Whether you attend Battle Ground or Hazel Dell, you can be in any group. We have parenting groups, general groups, young marrieds, men’s bowling, women’s groups, Bible studies, etc. It’s going to be a lot of fun connecting with people! Our summer semester is a good time to jump in as they are shorter and rooted in building relationships.

We had multiple people talk to us yesterday about getting water baptized. That’s what we do this thing for! Our next baptism date is a fun one…On July 1 both campuses will meet at a park and celebrate water baptisms together over brunch. More details to come, but save the date! There is a form online HERE for you to fill out when you are ready to get baptized.

Hey Battle Ground! Did you know that you had 29 people in Children’s classes in one service yesterday? That’s a lot of little lives that we are molding and shaping! Make sure you tell a kid how important they are every Sunday!

Two of our worship leaders, Matt and Alissa, were both sick on Sunday…that’s not so funny! Thanks to Matt for singing as best as you could (which is still pretty awesome!) and to Jordan who jumped in at the last minute to lead for Alissa. We are blessed with lots of talent and willingness to do what it takes to make Jesus look good! And a shout out to Rachel Schultz – she’s one of our teens and Matt relied heavily on her to lead out on some songs. You knocked it out of the park!

Mark spoke on pride at Hazel Dell and Chris continued the Words series at Battle Ground. In other words, everybody at the Coffee Church got hit right where it hurts yesterday. If we could control our egos and our tongues, we’d be so much better off on this earth! Our pride and our words can both be our downfall! The good news is that God can very much help us with both of these issues and we need to surrender that part of our lives to Him.

Lots of new guests this month at both Hazel Dell and Battle Ground! Consider yourself a greeter every week and meet people!

Congrats to Lee, Helen, Alex, Mackenzie, and Ashleigh Malone on their fifth anniversary of being with us! They walked into church, met Jesus, got baptized, and now are a part of our staff team. We are constantly blessed by their presence in our lives! We love you!

I hope this week is full of amazing opportunities for your family!

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