August 7 Highlights
We’re back from a week off! Mark went to summer camp with our 3rd-6th graders and then camping with his brothers, while I headed with my girls to Montana to see my parents. We all had a great week, but it’s REALLY nice to be back together as a family! My girls were lacking their “Daddy Time” all week and now are following him around everywhere he goes. I think he’s enjoying the extra attention!
I wasn’t at our church yesterday, so my highlights are second hand info, but here goes:
Andrea and Matt Garner co-preached yesterday. I heard it was a great message and that Matt was hilarious! I read the message before hand and so it doesn’t surprise me that they delivered it well.
It is ridiculously hard for me to miss our church. I trust our team and don’t worry about them at all, but I WANT to be there! Good problems!
Thank you to Chrystal Arellano for being “me” yesterday and getting everything ready to go for the morning! Everyone who drinks coffee is very grateful for you!!!!
They switched up worship and did a song at the end. Lots of people said they enjoyed that!
Our attendance was surprisingly high. This weekend is marked over the last four years as one of our lowest attended. If our number from Sunday is our low for the year, we better get moving! Literally…moving.
Speaking of moving…I watched the TV show Hoarders on Netflix all week. Let’s just say that I am now motivated to sell everything I own. I never want stuff to have a hold on my life! In honor of Matt and Andrea’s message on Idols, I never want anything but Jesus to have a hold on my life.
Our students had a GREAT week at summer camp! Thank you to Kim Goodrich, Mark Newell, Sarah Sherland, and Alyson McCormick for giving up time this week to be cabin staff. Your role at camp is vital and we appreciate you for being a part of it!
So excited for our 5th Anniversary Celebration on Sept. 18….YAY!!! We are going to have so much fun giving God the glory for North Creek! I love where we are at and I love where we are going!
Amy will be sending out some information for the Women of Faith Conference in October via our email group (you can sign up for that at It’s going to be some amazing GIRL TIME with God! I love the women at our church and so any excuse to hang out with them works for me!
Alrighty…off to go throw some things away and get my life organized for the fall! Enjoy your week and we’ll see you on Sunday for our new series, “Catch and Release”. It’s all about offenses and forgiveness!