
Author Archives: Chris Harold

While I am on vacation I have asked Chris Harold to guest blog the weekly Coffee Church Highlights. Chris serves on our team as executive pastor in addition teaching each week at one of our campuses.


We officially launched our relationship series Us at both campuses this week. Every week we are covering a global marriage principle. Tied to each big idea are specific date nights, or as we call it “Love Work.” Its been a lot of fun to watch couples do some pretty wacky stuff all in an effort to celebrate their spouse. Some of our couples created a Facebook page around the date nights to share ideas. If you have a moment like that page to discover more ways to date your spouse. If you are on twitter you can also share your experiences with the hashtag #workingonus.

Kris Gray, youth pastor extraordinaire, preached at our Vancouver campus on nurturing romance. It was incredible to see both men and women have an “Oh, no! I think she is talking about me” moment. Kris does a wonderful job encouraging and equipping you students and adults to pursue God’s best.

We have plenty in store for the rest of the series. So stay tuned.

The leadership team is still investigating the purchase of the Highway 99 property. In order to walk wisely into this opportunity, we have engaged Architects, structural Engineers, legal representation and many in our church. Which means a lot of meetings and even more emails. We are constantly reminded that we need a ton of discernment, covered in prayer and supported by people. Would you take sometime over the next several weeks to pray for our team?

We also had several new volunteers join us at both of our campus. It’s beautiful to see people getting involved in the mission. Training new volunteers never gets old! If you are looking at joining our team you can do so by clicking here.

Our summer small group session is just around the corner. If you would like to host a small group, please email Tasha at

It’s going to be a great week at the Coffee Church! Be blessed!




While I am away on a Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic I have asked Chris Harold to guest blog the weekly Coffee Church Highlights Post. Chris recently left his corporate gig to join North Creek as our Executive Pastor.
I will continue to blog about the Missions Trip, so check back often for updates. If you have not yet subscribed to my new blog, please enter your email into the subscription box below this post.

This week we took another step in our series “Amazing Stories”. Pastor Wayne Summers looked at an often unnoticed man in the Bible named Barnabas. From this amazing story Wayne challenged the church to encourage the very people we do life with. At our Hazel campus Pastor Lee Malone looked at Read More