Barking Up the Right Tree

Our work parties have been nothing short of draining!  Early in the week I was beginning to feel the sluggishness and discouragment set in.  We would tear into a new job which would create five more jobs…very similar to house projects!

However, encouragement comes when you most need it!  God is faithful to bring moments of His miraculous love if we will block out all of the negative junk and listen.  Sometimes we are looking for a big miracle and can easily miss the many small ones that He gives us daily.

Yesterday ended up being very encouraging for me!  We started the morning with our staff meeting, but quickly turned into a work force.  A woman from our church, Veronica, took the time to get bark dust donated and delivered so that the outside of the building would look sharp and crisp.  Our staff and Veronica unloaded 6 yards of barkdust and spread it over the gardens surrounding the building.  It was just enough and beautiful!  The ragged old bushes that Ivan had painstakingly trimmed looked stunningly perfect nestled into their new russet colored home.

Veronica asked for a goal and attacked it with a vengence.  She is one of many determined people in our church.  I am grateful for each person who is unstoppable.  I love that spirit inside of some people that will accomplish a task at any cost. 

Veronica has only been to our church a few times, but clearly understands the bigger perspective of working for the kingdom of God.  She is generous, kind, and encouraging.  She did not have to buy into our vision or give of her time, but she did.  She grabbed a hold of a goal and made it happen.  She was our miracle of the day.

  1. Veronica said:

    Seriously….???? Really…???? Stacy, it’s been a few days (obviously) since I’ve logged on to your well-penned blog. Shocker to see my name…don’t ya know it is just a God Wink?? He has specifically…and I mean the detail-oriented – I hear what you’re saying kind of specifically, answered prayers about our Drinkward lives and His kingdom plans for our family. So glad we can be here alongside North Creek doing work in His kingdom that needs to be done…it is so fulfilling to be in His purpose!! Thank you for taking the vision God has given to you guys and faithfully pursuing it. I love, love watching God ‘get it done.’ Thanks for the opportunity to see it close-up!!


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