Building Update

We are still going forward in the process of leasing our first building.  I can’t even imagine not functioning out of a trailer anymore on Sunday mornings!  The reality is almost too good to be true.  Although I have loved the freedom, creativity, and teamwork that it has taken to achieve what we have done, I look forward with great anticipation for a new season. 

We have had a lot of people ask what we need to do this and how you can help.  I put together our wish list (not all of these are necessities to make this happen):

About $7000 more over the next six months

Stage light systems

A few cans of paint (specific colors)

A clean piece of carpet that is about 12’x24′

A load or two of bark dust

Labor to clean, paint, scrape wall paper, mop, scrub, etc.

Labor for outside work – pressure washing, trimming shrubs, hauling bark dust, painting trim

Minor electrical work

Minor plumbing work

A white King size sheet for an art project

A commercial espresso machine…for free! 🙂

Our list is pretty bare-bones.  We are not choosing to make any major structural changes since this is a temporary situation for us.  We would rather spend our money is more permanent ways, so the environment will be clean and cool, but not necessarily like we would choose in a long term situation.    Basically we are doing the absolute necessities and only buying large ticket items that we can take with us when we go.

I’ll keep you updated on when we can begin working!  Thank you for the overwhelming response to this dream.  Financially we are well on the way, we have had ecstatic people who can’t wait to work, and your hearts for the community are inspiring.  As usual, I am impressed by the kind and generous people that call North Creek their home.  You never cease to amaze me!

  1. Rachael said:

    You and Pastor Mark never cease to amaze me! Thanks so much for dreaming BIG!! I love North Creek!

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