Here’s some funny memories from Kris that will make you laugh today:
North Creek is a church of purpose. Everything we do is for a particular and well thought out reason. Even our stage decorations have a purpose. In fact, the win for the Stage Creativity Ministry is to create an auditorium environment that people will tell others about when they leave. Have you heard about coffeechurch’s crazy stage decorations yet? If you live anywhere near Vancouver, Washington you just might! Until then, here’s a list of some of the odd things we’ve heard said in the midst of North Creek’s preparations for our stage decorations:
1. Joe, could you go rub Kylie’s back, I need to make 43 more cups of mashed potatoes.
2. Doctor, can you get tetanus from chicken wire.
3. How much paint do you need to cover six eight foot men?
4. Where can I get 1,000 pounds of flour?
5. Do they carry that at Target?
6. Can you push that while you breastfeed?
7. Mom, you drivin’ me crazy…you walking me too long!
8. We’ll only have to have a fridge on the stage for one week.
9. We’d only have to unplug one cable….
10. Is somebody writing this down?
11. I can’t take the baby chicks home, I have cats.
12. Exactly how many rolls of sod does it take to cover the stage?
13. If you think Mary will let you have open flame in the lobby, you’re crazy.