

It was a very different weekend than we had planned at North Creek.  In light of the shooting tragedies in our nation, we changed the messages to reflect both our grief and our hope in Christ.  Bottom line: when we come face to face with the darkest evil, we do not cower, but proclaim the love of Christ.  Love wins in the end.

I hugged a lot of crying people on Sunday.  It’s OK to be emotional and feel that grief!  Just balance it out with the determination to spread the hope of Christ as well.  We, as Christians, carry the weight of change in our country.  We must be the ones to show up, speak up, and boldy march into the worst situations.

I taught our preschool class at Battle Ground on Sunday with my old friend, Janelle V.  Super cute kids with LOTS of distractable energy!  Gotta love our Tiny Towners!

Our staff/board Christmas dessert was on Sunday!  I looked around that room several times and thought, “Wow. Our church is BLESSED with some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met.”  Do me a favor and write one of them a letter or note about what you appreciate about their ministry.  You can find all of their contact info on  They serve with an unstoppable determination and grace.

Invite a friend to church this Sunday!  It’s Christmas and we’d love to have them join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

We dropped off a MOUNTAIN of toys to Sarah J. Anderson Elementary on Thursday, thanks to all of you!  They couldn’t believe that we just kept unloading more and more toys.  Sarah J. serves a lot of low-income families and your gifts will help to bless about 350 children.  Amazing!!!!!!

I walked into my daughter’s school yesterday and started weeping when I saw the police officers.  I know…that’s a little extreme.  But what I saw in front of me was goodness.  More people put their lives on the line for our protection, than people who try to rob us of our security.  I felt the same way when I saw the teachers as well.  We must always focus on the people in our lives who strive to bring peace, grow our lives, and try to make a difference!

We want to say a big “Thank You” to all of those involved in the Christmas Concert last week!  It was such a beautiful way to usher in the Christmas holidays.  It took an absolute ton of work and people, but it was so worth it!  Way to go!

My oldest daughter is home sick today.  She actually said, “Why couldn’t I be sick tomorrow so I don’t have to miss school?”  Maybe she’ll grow up to be a teacher!

Remember to send us any of your “Circle Maker” stories!  You can email them to me directly at  We look forward to celebrating all the things that God did in our lives in 2012.  He is good!

Be blessed!!!!


coffee church lightsWhat a weekend!  On Saturday we decorated both campuses!  Thank you to so many of you who showed up to help.  “Work” Days are often the times when friendships are formed and stories are written.  I LOVE ’em!

We got A LOT of comments about how beautiful the Christmas “Chandeliers” turned out.  Here’s the trick: Hula Hoops criss crossed with fishing line where bulbs hang randomly down.  Before you start bulbing, wrap your hula hoop with icicle lights.  They are time consuming, but inexpensive.

Our stage also consisted of a really cool wood structure that will continue to be a part of our stages in the future.  And here’s the eye-deceiver at Hazel Dell….the back wall is PAINTED to look like wood.  It’s not real.  I bet you’ll come back to church next Sunday just to see what I’m talking about.  You’ll tell yourself that you thought it was real wood.  Alecia Krause is our genius painter!

I had a young lady ask to be baptized on Sunday.  If you are ready to be baptized as well, you can fill out a form at  We have a portable hot tub so anytime you are ready, so are we!  I love baptisms!!!!

We had a new Tiny Town teacher this weekend.  Thanks to Michelle for jumping in!

Mark preached at Battle Ground and the Deaf Church this weekend.  Always a privilege to be at our Deaf Campus.  I don’t know sign language, but it’s another reason that I am a Facebook fan!  Such an easy way to communicate with the hearing and the deaf.  If you are not my friend, find me!

Speaking of Facebook…our last small group was filled with a lot of Facebook junkies.  I noticed that many of them became fast friends because they had an additional way to communicate on a regular basis.  I had never had that happen before, but thoroughly enjoyed watching it!

We got a new baby at Battle Ground yesterday!  Congrats to Tatiana!!!

coffee church teamOur staff team did a video shoot this weekend for some of the upcoming Christmas events.  We laughed, we cried, we ate fudge…  We have such an amazing team!  We were missing a few of them, but nonetheless, we had a good time.  Thanks to Brian Enquist of Home Video Studio of Vancouver for filming us and to the Swensons for having us over to destroy your house.  Have I mentioned that I appreciated the fudge???  Cause I did….a lot.

It’s December!  In honor of the Modern Family sermon series, spend this month reconciling one relationship before the new year.  I know it’s not always that simple, but what if it is?  What if the worst relationship in your life can be exponentially better with a phone call?  This is life, so it might get worse, but the risk might also be worth it….you’ll never know until you try.

Now, I’m off to make that phone call…  Be blessed!

Last week our team headed off to a Pastoral Leadership Conference in Kirkland, WA.  What a sight!  There were 19 adults and two newborns in our band of misfits and we had a great time!  I often say that leading our team is like chasing cats, so imagine an entire day surrounded by inspiring people talking about being better leaders…it was like a bunch of diabetics in a candy shop.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Unhealthy cultures are slow to adapt to change…We must be healthy because our church name is secretly North Creek Changes A LOT Church.
  • Hire and recruit your values…our church will mold to the DNA of our team.  Whatever we want in our church, we should hire in our team.  Good lense as we hire people in the future.  P.S. Administrative people…we need you.  We are too creative for our own good and could use people who like to control cats.  Yeah, I know…
  • Drop the term loyalty from your vocabulary.  TOTALLY agree.  We never use it.  If we have to ask you to be loyal, we don’t deserve your loyalty.  If you think we can push you to the next level in your relationship and faith, you’ll be glad to stick around.  If you don’t think that, why would we even want you to stay?
  • Create and maintain a sustainable pace.  This sums up why we don’t have very many traditions.  This year we are doing a big musical Christmas Concert because Matt got a vision for it.  Next year we may or may not do it.  Why?  Because we don’t have to.  It’s not about doing things because we ALWAYS do them.  It’s about doing things because God has asked us to.
  • You’re a sharp guy, so fix it.  That was a little tidbit from Craig Groeschel.  Bottom line: stop whining about your problems and solve them.  Troy Jones always told us a similar thing:  If you don’t solve your problems, you deserve your problems.  Haunted me my whole life…  It’s a good tip though.  Fix it.

I think overall I was reaffirmed in the fact that we have to stick to the plan that God gave us and continue to fight for our culture.  We’re not perfect leaders, we don’t have a perfect church, and we don’t have a perfect team, but we do know what God has told us to do.  There is no time to get discouraged, weary, or overwhelmed.  All we have time for is to continually point people to Jesus.

Thank you to our team for taking a day out of your life to devote to being better leaders!  We love you very much and are glad that you are partners with us on this journey.  Keep on keepin’ on!  We’re fighting for the greatest cause on the planet…



Miracle.  That’s how we sum up this weekend.  God did a flat-out, unexpected, tear-producing, awe-inspiring miracle.  Here’s the story:

Vanessa is our children’s pastor at Battle Ground and her husband, Josiah, is on our teaching team.  (He preached at Hazel Dell a few weeks ago about the bike trip with his brother).  On Saturday night, Vanessa’s dad called us to say that Josiah’s brother had passed away in a drowing accident while in Canada. It was an especially devasting call because these two brothers both became fathers this summer.  We tried to grasp the reality of life for Nathan’s new son.  We were devasted for the whole family and began to call our team.  Just as we finished up the last of the phone calls, Vanessa called to let us know that Nathan was not officially pronounced dead yet.  Apparently in these type of situations, they let a certain amount of time pass before they declare death.  Nathan was on a ventilator, unconcious, and doctors had no hope that he would make it.  She basically called to say that there was room for one thing: a miracle.  So Christians across the globe began praying throughout the night.  At 6:30 am we got the text that Nathan was showing some response and they were planning to take the ventilator out later that morning to see how things went.  Our two churches prayed together at 10:00 am, 10:30 am, and 11:30 am.  At 1:00 pm I got the text that said, “He’s awake, he remembers his family, and is expected to make a full recovery.”  From death to life in the space of hours.

Here’s a photo of Nathan with his family.  Nathan – we praise God for you!


It has been a summer full of difficult situations for our staff.  The phone calls have often been devasting and sometimes the outcome has not been what we desired within our earthly perspective.  However, there is one thing we know: when God, in His sovereignty, chooses to heal, we give Him praise and when He doesn’t, we give Him praise.  Sometimes He glorifies Himself with life and sometimes He glorifies Himself in death.  Our lives can be used as a mighty tool for His glory if we will surrender it all to Him.

Not a bad highlight for the week, huh?  On another completely different, but celebratory note, it was Chris Harold’s 31st birthday yesterday!  Our team went over to his house for dinner and fun last night to surprise him.  I often look across the room at our team and thank God for them.  They are each a blessing!

All of our services were clicking away at full speed yesterday!  This might be the first Sunday since the merge that it started to “feel” like North Creek at both campuses.  When we merged, Battle Ground was clearly a fresh start, but also unexpectedly, Hazel Dell became a fresh start when 35 people jumped over to Battle Ground.  For a few months in there it felt like a redefining season that we were leading through.  Lately we feel like there is momentum to our vision on all fronts.  Hello Clark County, here we go!  I can’t really explain it, but as a pastor, you know when the spirit of your church is in alignment with the direction you have in your heart from God.

I’m totally past my word limit for the day, but to sum up Sunday: God is good.  It’s easy to say on the other side of a miracle, but we believed it just the same when we cried with Vanessa and Josiah when there was no earthly hope.  This week my challenge to you is to proclaim that goodness no matter what the circumstance!  Be blessed!



This is a monumental day in the life of North Creek! But to understand it’s importance, you’ll need to step back in time 5 and a half years ago.

On September 24, 2006 we celebrated the Grand Opening of North Creek Church. It was that day that Chris and Gina Harold walked in the door with their new baby, Isaiah. We had known Gina years before as a student in our youth ministry. She had been in Kris Gray’s small group and was in the first class we graduated at our previous church. Chris and Gina had just moved back to Vancouver and needed a church. That day they became a part of our church and our hearts.

Chris has played multiple roles throughout the last five years at North Creek, but all the while has been very successful in a full time job. We watched their family carry the weight of ministry and career with grace and determination, but it has long been our desire to hire Chris full time. Today is that day.

Chris will be preaching 40+ times a year at either one of our campuses, bringing creativity to the table on multiple fronts, heading up future building plans/dreams, continuing to provide leadership within the youth ministry alongside Gina, and developing leaders as part of his new job. Needless to say, we are very excited to have Chris’ influence for 40 hours a week within our church and the community.

Last Sunday Chris talked about his dream for a Porsche as part of always wanting “more”. There’s a good chance that he gave up that desire yesterday along with his corporate job. He traded prestige for a pulpit and worldly wealth for God’s call to ministry. We know that decision never comes lightly, but we also know that God will bless it beyond what Chris and Gina can possibly imagine…not only in their lives, but in Isaiah and Jezrae’s lives as well. We are very impressed that they chose to listen to what God asked of them and take the step of faith. Here’s to a bright future!

So congratulations to the Harold Family and congratulations to North Creek! This is quite the adventure and today marks yet another exciting part of it. With tears in our eyes and anticipation in our hearts, we give all the glory to God. He has done great things.