
We have several changes on the horizon due to some great growth lately!  God has brought so many new faces into our midst and all of them come with talents and giftings that will become part of the DNA of North Creek.  We anticipate strong growth throughout this year and we are sensitive to the good and difficult things that come with growth.  Change, although exciting, strips us of our comfort zone.  That’s not always the thing you want to feel when you step into the doors of the church!

The first comfort zone that is transitioning is that our worship team is going to be getting overhauled!  Many of you have met Marcus by now.  He has an extensive background in music and has been with us for several of months.  We’ve been meeting regularily with him regarding the role that he can play in our worship department.  After discussing it and praying, we have decided to allow Marcus to restructure and provide leadership on the worship team.  That transition will be complete by Easter, so over the next month the face of North Creek’s worship will be altered!  Please help us to welcome Marcus and his wife, Tracy, as part of our team.

Leading change is one of our favorite things to do.  It’s difficult, but it also bonds a church together like never before.  Communication, unexpected situations, and even conflict makes us a better church as long as behing all of that is a commitment to the mandate of God…love Him and love people.

So, as we take this journey together, let me say this: “Put on your seatbelts.  This church is healthy, strong, and going great places….quickly.”

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