I love Sundays…if you read my blog regularily, you already know that!
Here’s my weekly highlights:
Tracy O. and Joel are two men in our church. They are pretty manly guys – both military men, godly, over 35, butch…you know the type. Today Joel leaned on the bar, Tracy came over, leaned next to him and said, “So, what’s your favorite GI Joe?” And then a conversation ensued about their favorite GI Joes. I watched in amazement. It was like two 9 year olds talking about what they got for their birthdays. I laughed at them and then started talking about Barbies with Katie…
One of our new guests at church today left us a note on Facebook: “Just wanted to inform you all, I LOVED church today. First time since moving that I’ve really felt like I belong somewhere. I really felt welcome there. It was awesome! Thank you so much!” Thank you to Chrystal for really making her feel accepted.
Loved Mark’s sermon. It was about DOING what you HEAR on Sunday mornings. Tough message if you take it to heart! Seems so easy, but it means that when we talk about purity, you are now accountable to be pure. When we preach on tithing, you are now accountable to tithe. When we preach on forgiveness, you are now accountable to forgive. All of these (and more) are monumental tasks!
A friend of mine told me yesterday that she’s pregnant! Yes, I cried. I always do.
We went and visited Helen in the hospital after church yesterday. She’s doing well after her surgery! That’s either because of God or her morphine drip…maybe both.
Thanks to Brian for coming over yesterday to cut down the rest of the stump left over from our tree project. It took a big truck to yank that thing from it’s roots. Other than cutting the cable wire while my neighbor was watching the game, we had no problems. He’s a police officer with a gun. Not sure you should be cutting his cable…
I hope that you had a wonderful weekend! May your week be blessed and may His favor be with you!