Cry Baby
It’s no secret that I’m madly in love with North Creek and the people that God has brought our way. The stories of changed lives literally make me cry daily at this point in my life. It is a flood of one miracle and move of God after another. It’s almost too much to handle emotionally, but not in a negative way at all. I cry because I am moved… proud… impressed… humbled… excited… the words fall short to express my deep gratefulness that I feel in my heart.
I cry because I GET to be a part of God’s great plan. It is nothing short of humbling. The deeper we get into ministry and the life of this church plant that Mark and I get, the more grateful I feel. I see God working and I know that in all of my strength and wisdom, I can never compare to His majesty. Success should make you prideful, but in the irony of God’s system, it’s only been humbling to see Him take my inadequate attempts and make it miraculous. And in that humility, no other response seems to measure what my heart feels, and so, I cry.