Dec. 18/19 Highlights
What an extreme weekend! Our Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am attendance was way low. I couldn’t figure it out until 10:30 rolled around and EVERYBODY came…we pulled out every chair in the auditorium and went to the back room for folding chairs. OK, it’s Christmas break, I get it, but can you go back to your own service in January? 🙂
We also had 20 dozen Krispy Kremes donated for our services this weekend. There’s nothing like 20 donut boxes to make a happy church.
Worship was great with a touch of Christmas! Can’t wait to sing some more Christmas carols at our Christmas Eve services.
Loved Mark’s message this weekend! It was about interruptions in our lives and how to walk through what God has for us!
The Little Adventurer’s made ornaments in class today. They were adorable, but let’s just all collectively agree that glitter is evil. It’s now all over the church, in my car, in my house….I love you, Rachael Yonko…
God is still working miracles. Every single day He blesses and protects His children!
We are moving our Sunday morning service times beginning Jan. 2 to Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00 am. Everybody seemed to be happy about it at both services. If 11:00 am is too late, we would love to bulk up our 9:30 service and open up seats for guests at the 11:00 am.
Tiffany Wisecarver will be singing on Christmas Eve and then Corey Sublett will begin his ministry with us January 1. Ironically Jan. 1, 2001 (ten years ago to the day), Mark and I began our ministry in Vancouver, WA. It’s been a blessed and busy ten years.
My husband turns 40 on Dec. 29!!!!
We need about $2500 more this year to end 2010 in the black with our savings account in tact. We had a great year for missions and benevolence as well. We got to send all of our missionaries an extra $100 for the holidays, as well as bless a bunch of people with gift cards and canned food. AWESOME! If you would like tax deductible giving credit for this year, you can either give at our Christmas Eve services, online, or snail mail postmarked before Dec. 31.
See you on Friday for our Christmas Eve Services at 6:30 or 8:00 pm. Remember that we cancelled the Saturday and Sunday services on Dec. 25/26. Spend some time with your family and don’t forget to read the Christmas story with them from the Bible!