December 4 Highlights
Oh boy…it was a day! From my end, everywhere I turned was chaos! I am confident that not everyone had the same experience as me at church, but from the time I woke up until literally the minute I went to bed, it was pure insanity.
We rolled out the new kid’s checkin system yesterday! Although it took a bit more time on the first day, we were pleasantly surprised at how efficient it is and how much easier it is to have the information literally stuck to every child that we might need. Such a blessing!
We are working very hard to have a secure environment for our kid’s. If you don’t have a background check and are on the schedule for the day, you’re going to have to break an arm to get by that desk. Rachael will probably smile at you when she says that, but she’s not kidding. Our most important asset is our kids!
At our staff meeting, we had a special guest. Jerry, who prayed that a church would occupy our particular building, asked to come and pray with us again. He felt he had a word for us…basically, in regards to 19 Cents of Faith and needing a new facility to accommodate our growth, he wanted to remind us how big and competent our God is to do the impossible.
THANK YOU to everyone who brought stuff and donated to the Sarah J. Anderson Elementary Christmas Outreach. We ended up with a great pile of stuff at the church and more at my house from our small group. We will be delivering that this week!
Also, thank you to those of you who have started writing checks to our Benevolence Fund! If you are looking for ways to give all year long, please consider making this a monthly commitment. We use our Benevolence Fund for people literally sitting next to you in church who can’t pay their bills due to their current circumstances. This fund is almost always in the negative! We don’t let this money sit in our account when people are hurting, so we empty it as quickly as we fill it!
Thanks to Mike who filled in for our children’s pastor when a family emergency came up yesterday!
Remember that Simply Worship is this Wednesday from 7-8:00 pm. It’s a great time devoted to Jesus and the BEST way to start Christmas month off with the right focus!
I hope that your week is calmer than my yesterday! Many blessings…