February 8 Coffee Church Highlights
Such beautiful people in our church! Every Sunday I am humbled and amazed at the people around me!
It was a great weekend at North Creek as all of our campuses are in our current series, Treasure. It’s a lot about how our money and possessions are tied to our hearts. Here is our desire for you: that you will monthly give money to Jesus and watch your heart begin to change. People who give actually have less debt…why? Because when you are obedient, God begins to change your heart and priorities and you make better decisions. Do one thing for me….think about how many people could be impacted by the gospel if you gave just 10% away every month. It’s WORLD changing! Let’s set aside ourselves and be generous!
On another note, Mark started American Sign Language class on Monday. As you probably know, we have the GREATEST Deaf Church on the planet at North Creek. It is full of the most generous, kind-hearted, and amazing people, and we can’t wait to be able to better communicate without an interpreter. We’ve wanted to learn sign language for three years now, so when the timing worked out, we made it happen for one of us! Watch out to our deaf congregation because I am sure Mark will say a few things very wrong in the upcoming months! Our campus lead over at Battle Ground, Rachael, is well on her way to learning sign language as well. Maybe you will be inspired to learn a new language along with them!
We have some exciting news for Easter! Our hearing campuses will be joining together at Prairie High School for ONE BIG service together. It’s going to be AMAZING as we double our worship team, triple our service size, and have an incredible time celebrating our risen Savior! We will be announcing a thousand ways to help in the next couple of weeks, but here is the first one: It will cost about $1600 for the rental, the advertisements, and supplies we need (like communion for 500 people!), so if you’d like to help, mark your check Easter. You can give online at www.coffeechurch.com as well.
On a brief soapbox, but one thing I have to say: I would love it if no one from North Creek Church went to see the movie Fifty Shades of Grey this week (or ever). We believe better than that about sex, about God’s plan for our sexuality, about women, and about what a real man is. We just do. Pornography doesn’t get to own our hearts, sexual violence is not a part of our story, and our money has a million better uses for the kingdom of God than purchasing a ticket to watch sin.
We also have a Financial Seminar coming up to help you with financial planning, debt reduction, and investing. It’s happening on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at Hazel Dell Campus from 9:00am – 12:00pm. The cost is FREE with childcare provided (registration is required). It’s lead by Rick Donovan, Financial Advisor for Edward Jones and member of North Creek Church. If you feel like you are drowning, take advantage of this opportunity! Rick has a heart to help you get your finances right and relieve the stress on your family! To sign up and secure your spot please register at www.coffeechurch.com.
OK, that’s a lot for one day! I hope your week is full of surprises! Be blessed!
Thank you Stacy for your leadership regarding the movie coming out this weekend “Fifty Shades of Grey.”