Give and It Will Be Given To You
I think I have my favorite story of Christmas 2010. As I have mentioned, we use our Benevolence offering to give groceries and gift cards to families in need. On Thursday night, we loaded up the kids, filled a grocery bag from the canned food bin at the church, grabbed a gift card for $50 to Walmart, and knocked on the door of a single mom from our church. She has had a difficult year, but she is doing a great job getting back on her feet. Our church has played a key role in that!
Little did we know but earlier that day, feeling so blessed by generosity this year, she decided to give what little she had to someone else for Christmas. She and her oldest daughter loaded up a grocery bag of canned food and gave it to a desitute family. Her young daughter said to her, “Mom, we need this food! What are we going to do?” The mom said, “It’s OK, God will take care of us.”
And just hours later, North Creek’s generosity (and God’s divine providence) proved to that little girl that He never fails and moms are always right. I hope that you gain one thing from this story….GIVE, GIVE, GIVE. I want to be the type of person that would give away my last bag of canned food believing that God would never fail me. What an awesome reminder of what our hearts should be like!
what an amazing feeling she must have had! those kinds of things just put butterfly’s in my stomach. God is good!
Thank you I was able to share this with my family and it brought up stories of my late Grandfather who lived his life in this manner. I hope Generosity is something that I am remembered for also. God bless.