Growth Groups are Launching

Groups.WebOur growth groups are launching for the fall!  The registration link is now open at and we look forward to having you as a part!

We are going a different direction this fall and we could not be more excited about it.  Sometimes as we pray and initiate programs we really feel as if God is prompting us in a very specific way.  This is one of those times!  So, for fall semester all of our groups will be doing a Bible Study on the book of Mark.

Our agenda is to get all of us reading the Bible and really weighing out what it says.  It is so easy to get caught up in the daily grind that we make time in His Word a lesser priority.  This is a shame because there is NO WAY to be the person that God wants you to be if you do not know the person that He is. 

We will be working through a study guide and learning about Jesus as a suffering king. There will be some homework to complete throughout the week in order to be prepared for discussion. Prior knowledge of the Bible is not necessary to be a valuable part! In fact, your questions will be a valuable asset to learning about the book of Mark.

By signing up for a growth group, you are signing up for a commitment.  Bottom line: seeking Jesus is not convenient, but it is life-changing.  Prepare your hearts to change your habits, change your priorities, and change your future.  You will get out of this growth group what you put into it, so decide right now to put all of yourself into it.

Groups will be starting the week of October 5 and running for eight consecutive weeks. Cost of study guide is $10 per person. You can pay online or drop a check in the Giving Box marked Growth Group.  Scholarship are available!

After you sign up, you will be emailed the specifics of your group. If you don’t receive an email, please let us know at

Here we go!

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