Happy Birthday, Mark!

Today is my husband’s 40th birthday! I have never really known someone who is as pure in heart as my husband! He lives his life with loyalty, faithfulness, and perseverance. He is not pushed by jealously, worldly recognition, or wealth. He simply does the right thing over and over and over, believing that in the end, righteousness will be rewarded.

At forty years old, he’s never known anything but a life of ministry. He has stood firm against the pounding waves and enjoyed the seasons of blessings. He poured his life first into teenagers and then into an entire church. He loves the Bible and weighs every word carefully when he preaches, so as not to do the gospel any harm.

He’s a great husband and daddy. He would rather play in a wading pool with his daughters than meet royalty. He makes time for all of us and we never feel that the church is more important than our needs. We feel like a part of the ministry of which God has given him the mantle of leadership. He loves us, protects us, and provides for us with joy.

So, my love, thank you for being more incredible at home than you are in a pulpit, more in love with your family than prestige, and more in love with Jesus than we can describe. We honor you and love you! Happy Birthday!

Stacy, Delaney, and Kennedy

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