Happy Valentine’s Day

My daughter was sitting beside me one evening last week, painstakingly creating the PERFECT Valentine’s card. She drew, colored, wrote the words that would best express her love, and spent a great deal of time with her work of art. I took note of her detail and, with a grin, asked, “Are you making me a Valentine’s Day card?”
“Is it for your dad?”
“How about your sister?”
“Uh…not really.”
“Grandma and Grandpa?”
“Well, OK, is it for a boy in your class?”
“MOM! Of course not!”
“Sorry, how about your best friend?”
“Not this card.”
“OK, well, I’m all out of guesses.”

Delaney didn’t offer up any details at that point, so I went back to my magazine, not wanting to push her to give me an answer. A few minutes later her big brown eyes looked up at me and said, “Mom, how do I get my Valentine to Jesus?”

As my heart melted inside of my chest, I was reminded that the root of love, the perfecter of love, and the One who is jealous for our love is Jesus. Today, on Valentine’s Day, my prayer is that you will express all the love you can to both Him and the amazing people that He has surrounded your life with. We can’t even begin to understand His great love for us!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

1 comment
  1. Your children are amazing! I only hope God blesses me with kids half as cool! 🙂

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