January 1/2 Highlights
Having a service on 1/1/11 is super cool! 🙂
We changed service times this weekend and only a handful of people forgot and came early! The change seemed to balance out our services nicely. The 9:30 am was well attended and so were the other two. Thank you to those of you who jumped to the earlier service to make room in the 11:00 am for guests.
Corey and Julie Sublett started as our worship pastors this weekend! They did a great job and look forward to meeting everyone! I trust that you will fall in love with their family and find out that they deeply love and value relationships.
Chris Harold spoke a great message on sin. Sometimes I think that those of us who have been Christians for a while forget the profoundness of God’s redemption of our lives. I LOVE to be reminded of how big my God is to cover how big my sin is!
Small Groups are getting finalized and we’ll be rolling out the options next weekend for our new 10 week groups! Stay tuned!
A drunk driver hit a transformer on our property and knocked out our power late Friday night. The PUD got us up and running by late Saturday afternoon, but with the freezing temperatures, our building was COLD! Thanks to the Saturday crew for enduring a colder than normal service!
We are off and running for 2011 with some GREAT things in store for our church!