January 29/30 Highlights
Every week I rant and rave about the weekend, so here’s my thoughts:
We ended up with one of our best attendances ever for the weekend. Our 11:00 am was packed with new guests, which was awesome! We started a series on God’s Will for our lives…yikes! That’s a big and twisted topic for many of us.
The deeper I get into get into this ministry, the more I love Jesus. I see His life-changing work so often that I feel myself changing by the minute. It’s all about lives being changed…not much else matters in the end!
Just to prove that sometimes things go wrong…Saturday night was one of our worst services ever! We had one technical difficulty after the other, which threw Mark off BIG time. And on top of that, despite the good attendance overall, Saturday night had it’s worst attendace ever. No reason for any of it and I’m sure we’ll be back to normal next week! Sometimes you just have to laugh and be glad it’s over!
Worship was incredible!
Small Groups are up and running! So far, so good! I am excited to watch people grow and get to know one another.
One of “my girls” surprised me on Sunday. Alessandra was one of my favorite junior highers about 12 years ago. She visited this weekend and it was so great to see her as a young woman who is in love with Jesus!
We also had several of our friends come and check out our church at that same service. It was a crazy trip for Mark and I as we bopped around from one group of friends to the other! Thanks to all of you who came to see what in the world we’ve been up to for four years!
God is stirring LOTS in our hearts right now. How can we make a bigger impact on our community and our world??? It’s a question that causes us to lose sleep at night!
Kennedy wasn’t feeling great this weekend, so she hung out with me during the services. There is just nothing like hearing your kid’s voice beside you singing worship songs…
I hung out in the Great Adventurer’s during the 11:00 am service. There were 21 girls in the room and 2 boys! I’m sure the boys are glad that is not the norm!
My prayer for you this week is that God totally messes up your life in amazing ways…His plans are greater than your plans!