January 4 Coffee Church Highlights
My week has gotten sidelined due to one of my girls having an ear infection, but I definitely wanted to get the first highlight of the year out!
I am SO excited for 2015 at North Creek! It is an honor and a privilege to be a part of a local church and we have the BEST people in our midst. I love our church!
Would you do ONE thing this year that I know will make a big difference in your world? Attend church on Sundays and show up early. (Yes, that’s two things crammed together really well!). Church is supposed to be about meeting people, getting to know each other and then taking those relationships outside of the four walls of the building to do life together. The first step is simply putting yourself in an environment to have that happen. If you are there regularly, show up a little early and stay a little after, you’ll be surprised what will happen in a year.
On Sunday we kicked off our preaching schedule with great messages at all three churches: Battle Ground, Hazel Dell, and the Deaf Church. The lineup of series this year is going to be amazing and life changing!
Also on Sunday, our family also kicked off the gymnastics competition schedule with Kennedy’s first meet. I was completely exhausted by the time I got home that night and then the Great Earache of 2015 set in. It was ugly! Would you take a moment and pray for our family’s health? We are headed to a meet in Arizona next week and we’d sure like to be healthy.
The kids classes all celebrated the new year with Pajamas and Cereal day at church. It was so COOL! All the kids were pumped to show up to church in jammies and then have a crazy cereal bar. I enjoyed the moment with all of the moms and dads who didn’t have to get anybody dressed that morning. It was a nice gift after all the holiday stuff! I think we may just make that an annual event!
Just wanted to say hi to Wendell who gave me the nicest compliment about my blog this week. I really appreciate the kind words and so appreciate knowing that you are cheering us on in ministry! We love you! 😉
If you want to change your life this year, may I suggest reading your Bible every day? Just pick a book, read a chapter every morning (or night), and watch the cumulative effect shape your thinking and actions. You can do it!
Growth Groups are coming back in a few weeks, so get ready! We will be finishing up the second half of the book of Mark and I am looking forward to it. We will be reading about the crucifixion of Jesus leading up to Easter, which I anticipate being very powerful for all of us!
I hope that you find yourself encouraged as you head into this New Year. Jesus can do miracles for you this year!
Be blessed!