Jeff and Angela

This Sunday we will say goodbye to a part of our team. I haven’t written about it in the last month because I think I’ve been in denial.

We called Jeff and Angela on Dec. 26, 2005 about the possibility of them joining a church planting team. They were youth pastoring on the penisula and we had only met them at camp a few months prior. We waited until after Christmas because we wanted them to enjoy the holidays before we turned their world upside down. At that point, North Creek didn’t have a name, we didn’t have a location, we didn’t fully know what it would look like and what we were doing. We had a skeleton crew of people and were just in the process of discovering who God wanted on the team. Mark and I had never done anything but youth ministry in our careers. We had one $25,000 grant and a whole lot of faith.

And they said yes.

That pretty much says everything about who they are as people of God. They will sacrifice everything to do what God asks them to do. And that’s a rare characteristic.

The journey has been an amazing one, but now their dream and their career is taking them to Seattle. And no matter how hard that is for me and this church, the reality is that our commitment to them was to help them pursue what God is putting on their hearts and to be their dream maker. So, I’ll rip a piece of my heart out and let them go with a blessing because I believe that God moves people “for such a time as this.” They have a new season, a new purpose, and a new destiny beyond our cobalt blue stucco walls.

I’m really proud of the fact that our story will always include Jeff and Angela. And I’m sure that they would say the same about North Creek. We love them very much and are very thankful for the memories.

  1. kris said:

    i was doing REALLY good until I saw that picture and read that blog…thanks Stacy…..

    I love those 2 very much and am excited to see what God has for them just north of us!

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