July 28 Coffee Church Highlights
The Church is alive and well in Vancouver, WA! We have some great churches in our city, don’t we? North Creek is definitely one of them, but we are blessed to minister alongside so many every day! I hope you are praying for our church as well as others as we have the same goal to tell people about Jesus!
Yesterday I got to be a part of leading a man to Jesus. He came up to me during worship and said, “I don’t know how to do it, but Jesus has got to be a part of my life.” Here’s how you do it: ask Him to be. That’s it! He’ll figure the rest out with you as you pray, read your Bible, and jump into a church family to learn. It was after service that I was informed that he was the father of one of our recent graduates…humbled…just humbled to be a part of God’s story…
SO much great ministry happens in the life of our church each week. People are coming, connecting, growing, and serving all the time. We have had a flood of new guests this summer and I look forward to September when everybody is back from vacation! It’s going to be a powerful fall!
Vanessa preached for the first time for us yesterday at Battle Ground and knocked it out of the park. She is the Kid’s Pastor at Battle Ground and that’s the kind of quality we put in front of our young people. When you give to our church, we use some of that money to provide quality leaders to invest in your life and your family. It’s worth every penny!!!
School Supply drive is ON! We’ll also be letting you know of some backpack stuffing dates in late August so you can be hands-on as well! #bepresent
Did you know North Creek will be 7 years old next month? I’m in shock.
Complete sidenote: I am so tired of reading blogs about all the things wrong with Church. Too many Christians spend too much time lamenting the failing Church. The good news is that the Church is NOT failing. If you think it is, you need to read your Bible. It’s never going to fail. It’s a force to be reckoned with and all of Hell cannot prevail over it. Knock it off with the negativity and let’s go change the world! That was free.
Our children left for Kid’s Camp this morning. That was a lot of energy in the church parking lot this morning! Pray, pray, pray! God can do so much in five short days. Not to mention the MASSIVE amount of fun they have at camp.
We are painting some rooms at Battle Ground on Tuesday from 9:30-4:00 pm. If you want to join us, we take help! Just let me know if you’re coming by emailing me at stacy@coffeechurch.com.
Follow us on twitter @thecoffeechurch. Follow Jesus, too.
OK! Have a good week! Do something that grows your faith this week. Be blessed!