June 24 Highlights

I wasn’t at our church yesterday, because we are currently in Montana on vacation, so all of my highlights for the week are second hand information!

To start with, I DON’T LIKE missing my church, which I consider a win.

Our biggest win is that we have 20+ baptisms happening next weekend at our Park Day. If you’ve never seen that many baptisms at one occasion, it’s life altering to watch. We have children, teens, and adults on the docket. And we have an entire family, as well as several parents baptizing their own children. It’s going to be INCREDIBLE! All glory to God!

Attendance was up alot at Hazel Dell this weekend! That campus dropped over the last several months as a chunk of people transferred to Battle Ground in the merge. We know it’s a short term thing as God will continue to grow this church and making room is our goal. It’s only a matter of months until we are back to the same old parking and seating issues again! Now is a great time to invite a friend as we have room for more!

We visited my friend’s church in Kalispell, MT. We had a great morning! One of the ladies at the church knew me and she could remember me sharing a testimony in front of my home church about being called to ministry. Ironically, I also ran into another lady later that night who remembers the day I was baptized.

Both campuses got to watch last week’s baptism video. It’s a tear jerker, for sure! Anytime a dad weeps over his children’s relationship with Jesus, I’m going to need a kleenex. Or a whole box.

Wayne preached again at Battle Ground for the first time since February! Welcome back, Pastor Wayne! Hope you enjoyed the break!

So many good things in store for our church and for your life personally as well! God has a plan and I can’t wait to watch it unfold!

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