June 3 Highlights

This weekend signifies two months into our merge/multisite adventure! It’s going very well and both campuses are getting stronger by the week. Our goal all along has been to be steady and strong at all of our services by September, and I’m pretty sure we are well on our way to that! God has been good!

Emily lead worship at Hazel Dell this weekend and knocked it out of the park! You better watch out, Emily, or we’ll start a whole new campus just for you!!!! Some of you are wondering if I’m joking…

Matt Garner was a guest worship leader for a Men’s Retreat this weekend. Yeah, he’s famous now! He took Lee with him to drum, so I’m sure they had ridiculous amounts of fun.

Battle Ground had it’s highest attendance yesterday since the launch. Their kids classes were bursting at the seams, so they are on track to add a service in the near future. In the meantime, if you like to work with kids, jump in!

We started getting baptism forms for the Park Day on July 1. So far we have five…who wants to be #6? Send me an email at stacy@coffeechurch.com and we’ll be glad to get you dunked! Celebrating a life committed to Christ is the BEST!

The High School Graduates were honored at Battle Ground this week and at Hazel Dell next week! What a momentous occasion for a teenager! We are super proud of each of you and trust that you will do amazing things with your lives. We also have some college grads that we have gotten to celebrate with as well!

Would you pray for North Creek this week? Mark is having our staff set aside time each day to pray specifically for our church and we’d love for you to join us. We want God’s will, His blessings, and His provision for what we need to do.

Father’s Day is in two weeks. Invite your dad to church. We’ll feed him a hot dog for breakfast, which sounds awful, but somehow men like it. I don’t get it. If you served women hot dogs on Mother’s Day, we’d be offended.

My small group is about to come over for dinner, so I’ve got to go hang out with some pretty cool people! Have a great week!

1 comment
  1. orwxguy said:

    I am so excited to hear about what has been happening at Hazel Dell and now at Battle Ground. I pray God’s richest blessing on you and Mark as you continue to seek His will as this new season continues. Even though we’ve only met a couple times (I’m reside in Corvallis and good friends with Mike and Alecia), I have enjoyed following this blog and hearing (reading) about what God has been doing. Be encouraged!! -Dan

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