June 8 Coffee Church Highlights
As I write my highlights this week, the news of another school shooting is blasting through the news. Just last week Seattle Pacific University faced the same horror. My nephew was on the SPU campus at the time and now Troutdale is just too close, so I understand the shock. That being said, I implore you to use these moments to further your resolve to live for Christ and lead your family to do the same. We will never be able to completely stop tragedy, but we can live our lives with an eternal perspective, which is the road to hope. Reynolds High School, we are praying for you!
Now on to my Sunday Highlights:
It was Graduation Sunday for our 2014 High School Grads! We had 13 graduates between our two campuses, so there was plenty to celebrate. I am very proud of the diversity that is represented in that group of grads! God has brought us people from all walks of life and we were thrilled to be a part of their journey in Christ.
We also got to welcome baby Pust at Hazel Dell! Nate and Emily are enjoying getting to their new little one and are doing well. Thank you to those of you who are bringing meals to all of our new babies! We very much appreciate being a part of a church that is there for people during the lows and the highs.
Speaking of being there, our small groups are all started and doing well. I heard that Chris is torturing people in the men’s workout group, and they are loving it! I personally feel that if you vomit at a small group, that’s a failure, but the guys must see it differently…
Summer Camp is just around the corner, so would you be praying for our teens and kids? We have about 36 going to youth camp and the kid’s camp registrations are due in a couple of weeks. There is NOTHING like camp to change a life! If you can, would you give scholarship money? We are helping a lot of attenders out this year with a $50 scholarship, which is key in many of them being about to attend!
We usually do our big baptism weekend in July, but we are moving it to August this year. Join us on August 17 for a wonderful morning to celebrate with people whose lives are being changed. Also, if you’d like to get baptized that day, you can register at www.coffeechurch.com
Here’s the key to success in life: do what the Bible says. Not what you think it says, but what it actually says. It’s the hardest thing you’ll ever take on, but in the end, it will pay out in dividends of changed lives!
Be blessed!