May 15 Highlights
I love our church. Simply love it. Love the people, love how healthy our team is, love that our focus has been and will always be telling people about Jesus, love our massive and incredible volunteer staff, love coffee, love new faces and our growing family….
On that note, I taught the preschool class at 9:30 am. We had a dozen bouncing toddlers who were perfectly behaved. Isaiah and Jace volunteered to be my co-leaders. I let them lead worship, pass out crayons, coloring pages, and crackers. They worked with the younger toddler boys to keep them focused. I was UBER impressed by those two young men!
We had lots of new faces in both services! I think it was our largest 9:30 service ever and then the 11:00 service was a “pull out the extra chairs” service. We should probably get a bigger building…fabulous plan, huh?!?
One of our guests was told to come by a friend who visited a few weeks ago. His friend said, “Count how many people say hello to you before you get your coffee.” Needless to say, it was a lot. We value relationships and people at our church – not just with words, but to the core of who we are. We don’t tell people to be nice. They just are because our culture dictates it. Pastors – you want to change your community? Start with your church culture.
Still bringing in money for 19 Cents of Faith. One step at a time! This is not an overnight process, but one that requires time, energy, prayer, and sacrifice.
I love watching our young people worship. They are living reminders to sing with abandon!
We gave up our salary this month for our building campaign. Several people asked us yesterday what it’s like. Well, if you are a faith junkie like we are, it’s awesome! If you like security, it would probably give you heart problems. We got an anonymous $200 in the mailbox yesterday, we’ve gotten gift cards, meals offered, and people giving us other things that keep the wheels turning. Bottom line: when all is said and done, my God owns it all. He’s got it covered. We can’t outgive Him, so what’s one month’s salary?
Our small groups kick off this week. We have a lot of people signed up and some great groups going on! Thanks to Amy for taking the reigns of this ministry and being such a valuable part of our team!
It’s going to be a great week!