May 18 Coffee Church Highlights
Congrats to our Battle Ground youth pastors, Mat and Janell Marbrey, on the birth of Chloe on Sunday! Baby #1 of 3 that we are expecting this month at North Creek. We got to meet her on Monday and she is just a gorgeous little girl!
Small Groups registration opened on Sunday for our summer semester. Would you take a moment to sign up asap? You’ll find the complete list at It is such a great opportunity to get to know some people at North Creek.
We are a couple of weeks into our current series, My Greatest Investment. We are talking a lot about using the time we have been given wisely and with purpose. Many great insights into parenting, being married, and our personal discipleship.
Read your Bible today. Too many of us have CNN theology…we believe what we see on the news and what we are being told by media and our culture. God has a greater plan and purpose for your life than what the world has to say. We must know what Jesus has to say in order to allow Him to mold and shape our hearts.
Summer Camp is right around the corner for both kids and youth. We give $50 scholarships to help students get to camp. If you would like to donate, you can give in the Giving Boxes or online. Just mark the giving “Scholarship”. The other thing you can do is Rent a Student. If you have projects around your house and would like a student to help you, please contact Kris at and she will help you get as many students as you need. We have lots of Hazel Dell and Battle Ground students ready to work!
We have lots of new faces around every Sunday. Make sure you meet someone every week!
If you are free on Thursday, we are doing some yard work at Hazel Dell from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. We are down to the final details in our parking lot and we are excited to get it all done!
I hope that you have a wonderful week! If you don’t, just remember that North Creek Church loves you and believes in you. Be blessed!