May 25 Coffee Church Highlights
Thank you to all of the men and women who serve our country! We set aside this weekend to honor those that have given their lives for our freedom. I hope you spent time with friends/family and appreciated those relationships.
North Creek was blessed with another baby today! Congrats to Alex and Lindsey on the birth of their daughter!
Over at Battle Ground on Sunday, missionary Matt Mann from Botswana, came to visit. He preached a great sermon and it was such an honor to have him! Would you consider making a monthly pledge to missions? You can mark your giving as Be Present and it will go to support their work all over the world.
At Hazel Dell and the Deaf Church they both had messages about marriage. So fun! It was a great message, even for our singles. Mark told the story of him climbing a tree to win my love…it worked!
We had our leadership team over for a BBQ on Sunday. There is such joy in my heart as I watch that group interact! Our team is made up of most of the original leadership team that began North Creek and the new team members that we have added along the way. I watched some of the teenagers jumping on the trampoline and took a moment to smile inside…they were the same boys who had their first North Creek Kid’s Church in my backyard 8 years ago before we officially launched. They were toddlers back then and now they are leading, serving, and still friends after all this time.
On that note, if you want to truly love a church…stay there. Longevity and loving people even when they fail you is the key to joy and happiness. There is no one on our team that hasn’t failed me and there is no one I haven’t failed. Yet we have two things binding us together…commitment and forgiveness. I love those people regardless of their performance and they give me the same gift. Try it. You’ll be amazed at what God will teach you if you don’t abandon people when things aren’t perfect.
Speaking of perfect, thank you to all of the people who have helped us keep our campuses looking great! We have people who do yardwork, maintenance, and cleaning…it is an amazing blessing and everything looks AMAZING! If you’d like to jump into one of those teams, email Kim at
Also, we are looking for more nursery and Tiny Town assistants at both campuses. This is an awesome opportunity for our teenagers as well! We just ask you to serve one Sunday a month. And both of our nurseries have a live feed to the main service, so you can watch while you rock!
Have a great week! Be blessed!