November 29

It’s the end of another month! This year clicked by so quickly I can hardly remember it. Yesterday was a remarkable day for me at North Creek. Here’s my highlights:

We had a guest who came last week for the first time to church in their life. Six days later, on Saturday night, they decided to take their own life. As they began that process, they thought of the friend that had brought them to church last Sunday and the message about how valuable we are to God. Instead of continuing with that plan, they called for help, went to the hospital, and got home in time to come back to church this Sunday. They said, “My friend and this church saved me.” They don’t know it yet, but it was Jesus who saved them and we just got the joy of being a part of it. There is nothing more fitting than the fact that the sermon text for this morning was Psalm 139. Go to and read about how God knit us together and we are fearfully and wonderfully made. I have a feeling that God needed that person to hear it at just that time.

Another young man who was in church for the first time last week came back excited to hear more about the parenting series. He’s just out of high school, but he’s got some wounds in his heart from his own parents and this series is helping him understand what a Godly parent looks like. We’ve all got to do our best to live up to that!

After those two moments yesterday, I was a blubbering mess. We sang about how “God can move the mountains” and that “He is mighty to save.” If you’ve ever doubted that God still moves mountains, you can rest assured.

Read this quote on Facebook from one of our congregants, “Am having a wonderful day that started with an amazing sermon by Pastor Mark at NCC…the most amazing people I have ever met are there…I love you all, God Bless You!” I completely agree that the most amazing people I have ever met are at this church.

I love being a part of a church where so many people are having their FIRST church experience in our doors. That keeps me up at night and gives me even more of a reason to protect our church from division, gossip, pettiness, and everything the New Testament warns churches about. We have a MISSION. It can’t be compromised because the stakes are just too high.

We are plowing forward with a dream to reach even younger people in our community. Although we are a very young church, we still have a small percentage of 18-25 year olds comparatively. We have started the ball rolling to begin to build a team around us to create a church that is a great experience for a genre of people who need independence and guidance all at the same time.

My daughter, Delaney, has surgery on her ears tomorrow. Please take a moment and pray for her quick recovery and complete healing of her hearing!

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey!

  1. Rachael said:

    I am excited about what God is doing at North Creek. I am so thankful that people who need His love are being impacted and reminded how important they are to God.
    I will be praying for Delaney!!
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Love you!

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