Oct. 16 Highlights
Great week at North Creek!
Highest attendance at youth group, highest attendance at Simply Worship, highest average for the month for Sunday mornings…Growing is GOOD!
Chris Harold opened our new series, Weird, with an awesome sermon. This series is going to push us all. Basically if your life looks normal, you probably have a problem in God’s eyes. We weren’t made to do things the way the world tells us to. Get ready!
We had a great time at Simply Worship on Friday. God is changing people, filling them with His Spirit, healing people, and breaking people all of the time in our midst. It’s fun to watch Him work at His pace in people’s hearts. We also had a couple of new songs that I really like!
Is it time to get baptized? Email me at stacy@coffeechurch.com and we’ll set it up!
Small groups are going well this semester! If you missed it, we’ll have another signup in late January and you can get to know some people in our church.
We are still in renovation mode. The nursing mom’s room is officially done, with a live video feed from the main service. Very needed as we have about six babies due in the next six months. Happy marriages at our church, what else can I say????
Ron Steinmann is my hero! He’s been blowing leaves and raking rocks outside to keep our parking lot looking clean. Welcome home to his daughter, Sarah, who had the opportunity to go and work in Hawaii for six weeks. I need that job.
We need more volunteers! We ask that people serve one service every month, so the commitment level is very easy. We literally need more volunteers in every area to help with our growth. You can signup at coffeechurch.com.
We have great, easygoing people at North Creek! Considering the amount of coffee that is consumed every Sunday you think we would have very nervous people that figget alot. Hmmmm…
I hope that you do something really incredible for Jesus this week. And for those of us who love to drive Chris Harold absolutely crazy….thank God it’s Friday!