October 4 Coffee Church Highlights

Week 2 at Prairie High School was awesome again!  I am LOVING having all the campuses together and seeing so many faces that I cherish and have missed.  We also love having the deaf church at the same time as our hearing church as we share some environments.  Thank you for all of you who have made this process so easy!

Growth Groups are open for registration!  Here’s what Chris has to say about small groups: “Through our Growth Groups you get to meet with like minded people that are learning how to become more like Christ. It is here that community is built for some and deepened for others. Where friendship and discipleship meet.  This session of groups will be a bit shorter. This makes them like a biblical community appetizer before the holidays and before we launch longer groups in January 2016. So consider this a Happy Hour Menu of great groups to feed your soul and grow your life!”  Awesome!  Join a growth group by going to www.coffeechurch.com.

We are enjoying learning about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  He is a real being in our lives with a powerful purpose!  Lean into all that He has for you!

Are you reading the book of Acts along with the sermons on Sunday?  I really encourage you to dive into your Word daily!  If we as a people of Jesus are not steeped in the Bible, we are destined to have one foot in the world and one foot in Christianity…this cannot be.  Honoring Christ means honoring Him with our whole self.

We are at the beginning of a campaign to help North Creek Church give more to missions.  Currently we support 11 missionaries, but are wanting to add one more and make that 12.  Would you consider giving $12 to missions every month for the next 12 months?  Just mark your giving envelope on Sunday 12for12.  Thank you for your generous hearts!

We are inviting all of you to come and pray in the auditorium from 8:30 – 9:30 am every Sunday.  The worship team is practicing, but we encourage you to take some time to meet with Jesus.

We are praying for Umqua Community College this week.  We stand with those who are grieving and fighting for a sense of security again.  Jesus is able to heal hearts and lives.

Our Hazel Dell building is set to close this Friday.  We are excited to move on to our future and we bless the new church moving in and pray for great growth for their congregation!

God is good!  He is holy, He is worthy, and He deserves our praise.  You will truly understand who He is in your life when you begin to seek Him with an unleashed persistence.  Pray, read, turn on some worship music, and ask Him to pour out all He has for you.  I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Let’s change the world.




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