Renovation Update
As most of you know, we have spent the last month in a mad dash to renovate our main auditorium to make more seating by Sept. 25, which is our Five Year Anniversary! Here’s where we are at with 10 days to go:
We have one brick wall painted. I included a picture because we PAINTED a plain wall to look like brick. Thank you, Stephanie Ricker! It’s not real, but it sure looks that way!
We still have one more wall to “brick” and then several spots that need some blowouts…stay tuned!
The floor is also officially stained and will get it’s first coat of verathane this afternoon. It is an awesome brown acid wash color and the shine will add some POP!
The walls are mostly painted, but the hand brushing on the tops & bottoms still needs to be done. Most of the walls are a SHOCKING yellow. You will probably need to swallow hard when you see it, but we have some elaborate art projects to offset it, so hold your judgement until it’s all done! It’s going to be GREAT! We are risk takers and we don’t do neutral. Just remember that’s what you love about this church and you’ll be just fine.
We have a MASSIVE bar that needs to be hauled in and set up. It’s not as massive as the one we just ripped out, but it’s going to be quite the showpiece. Lee Malone may need a medal for what it took to load that in his trailer. Let’s just say that I may or may not have played the “cute girl needs help” card with strangers in Portland to have enough manpower to lift it. Here’s a picture from the store in Chinatown that donated it to us:
We have more painting and staining projects than I think I care to blog about.
We need to trim, rip out, and chop down overgrown bushes everywhere you look. We have 8 yards of red rock to spread out as well, which will be easy to maintain and hard for our Vancouver rain to wash away.
The Kid’s rooms are well on their way to being freshly updated. The Great Adventurer’s are transitioning to their new theme KidCity and the Little Adventures are rockin’ it out as Tiny Town. We have 25 new stools for the older kids to sit on and they need to be assembled. Thank you IKEA!
We have a plane that needs to be mounted to the ceiling and our sound and media all needs to get moved and setup.
Did I mention we have a workday at the church on Saturday from 1-5:00 pm? We’d love help and we have SO many options for you to choose from. Even if you don’t attend our church, we take free labor! See you then and don’t forget to join us on Sept. 25 as we celebrate all that God has done in 5 years…and it’s a lot more than cool paint!
Hey I know a thing or two about assembling IKEA furniture!