September 18 Coffee Church Highlights
We are headed quickly towards our 10 year anniversary as a church and it has just been amazing as we look back and celebrate!
We are still giving out t-shirts, which we are almost out of AGAIN. We are ordering more…Hollie might kill me for the attention, but isn’t this a great family picture? 🙂
This week we had DONUTS…everywhere! I’ve never seen more donuts. You could smell the sugar in the air from a mile away! And our children thought it was the best week EVER! Thankfully I gave them all away before the morning was over because I had no idea what my plan was with dozens of donuts.
Our youth were also the highlight this week as they took the offering for their arm of missions called Speed the Light. Our worship team had A LOT of teenagers showcased with a special song by Emily Ronda. It was incredible! We also had teen greeters, helpers, ushers, etc. They are amazing volunteers every week at North Creek, but we just had more than usual around for last Sunday.
We also honored our youngest member – Asher Robison. He was born to Jordan and Catherine just a few weeks ago, so we gave him a Coffee Church onesie as a gift. We then honored our eldest member, Lorraine. We gave her a bouquet of flowers and thanked her for her teachable heart. As a church we want to provide an opportunity to grow in Jesus from birth through the entirety of your life!
As we round the corner to ten years, I could not be more excited. I can remember about 20 years ago watching the “Church Planters” at Conference and feeling a little sorry for them. Who wanted to start a church with very little and grow it from the ground up??? That sounded like a terrible amount of work. And then God asked us to do it. Now, here we are, ten years in and the tables have turned. I feel sorry for people who never get to do this! It has been the most stretching, beautiful, painful, wonderful, awful, life-giving, heart-breaking, roller coaster of a journey. I feel like it has been ten years of our hands being held by Jesus himself because this was too big to do alone...and that, my friend, has been the BEST place we could have ever imagined. Step out in faith for whatever He is asking of you…whether that is tithing or leaving this country for missions. Regardless of the magnitude of the ask…DO IT.
Fulfillment is found when faith and obedience collide.
See you this Sunday at 10 am at Prairie High School for a celebration service! Invite all your friends! Kids age K-5th grade and the Deaf Church are ALL joining the Hearing Church for an incredible morning. We’ll have surprises all over the place!