September 20
My weekly church highlights:
Three teenagers accepted Christ this week at youth group! That makes 8 people in our church this month who made a solid decision to begin the journey of living for Jesus. That’s the point.
We have seven people currently signed up to get baptized on Sept. 27. Man, what a morning it’s going to be! There are some really incredible stories behind the baptisms this Sunday and each one symbolizes something totally different for me. It’ll be emotional to say the least. And the baptismal tank has a heater now, so it won’t be near as painful to watch…
The kids were so loud during the second service that I had to go in and quiet them down. I love that! I want our kids to have a BLAST on Sunday mornings and to a kid that probably means being loud. The good news is that they are learning about Jesus and having a great time. What more can you ask for?
We have a great advisory board. They met last night for their monthly meeting. I love each one of them! Quality people that I am proud to work along side with.
There were a ton of teenagers in the 9:00 am service. What kind of teenager gets up early on a weekend to be at church??? Well, I asked them what they were doing here so early and they looked at me with that “You’re a dumb adult” look and said, “Uh, ’cause we like it here.” Duh. I should have guessed that. They stayed for both services, too.
I am praying for a miracle Sunday next week. I’ve been praying about Sept. 27 for six months. It is on my heart to see God’s house full. Really full. Mark has a message on his heart for this church and it’s going to be one of those monumental Sundays that mold and shape the face of our church. The deal with miracles in the Bible is this…it is usually God taking people’s efforts and using His authority to create the unimaginable. WE have to make the effort. WE have to DO something in order for God to use it for His glory. It might be something small and insignificant like a couple of fishes and loaves, but it’s got to be SOMETHING! So, invite someone to church next week. Get yourself out of bed. Bring that neighbor kid who lives at your house all of the time. Send emails, Facebooks, texts. Get your entire high school motivated to come. But come. Why? I don’t know. I just feel in my spirit like it’s important. I’m out on a limb here and I might be wrong. But I might be right.