Simply Amazing

This was a MONUMENTAL week for North Creek Church!  As we round the corner to celebrating being six years old on Sept. 24, we reached this very amazing milestone: we had two Simply Worship events at two different locations with two different teams on two different days.

Unless you can jump back in time six years, you’ll miss the significance, so let me catch you up.  When we launched we had a shoe-string team.  By all statistics, we should have failed right out of the gate.  We were too small, too ill-equipped, and way too poor to plant a church.  If you know Mark and I, statistics are just the boundary line that should be broken by determination.  So we took our determination, our tenacious team, lots of prayers, and launched anyway.

Our worship team consisted of one: Jeremy Macias.  His smooth voice and lone guitar was all we had.  I will never lose the image of him standing solo on that stage belting out his best to a half dozen people standing in the audience.  Yes, we all cringe at the thought, but it was what we had, so we gave it our all.

Flash forward six years and we have multiple leaders dripping with talent and teams that are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to the presence of God.  We have enough worship team members to accomdate two campuses and we are building, as we speak, to prepare for a third.  What a difference a few years makes!

My favorite part of the story is that our worship team members come from so many different avenues…some, like Nate and Emily, have been there since almost the bitter beginning.  They deserve an award for sticking it out through some of those awkwardly painful services.  Lee actually learned to drum while he attended North Creek.  Matt walked in the doors of our church on a Wednesday to ask us about another church he wanted to attend…not so fast, buddy!  Jordan was in our youth ministry almost ten years ago…we were blessed to have him back in our lives via the merge.  Keagan, Nate J., Matt S. and Rachel were  all students who grew up on the youth stage.  And on, and on, and on…they all have these amazing journeys that brought them to our team and we love them all!

The moral of the story is to just keep going.  During the rough times, the painful times, the highs and the lows.  If you just don’t stop, you’ll eventually get where you intended to go from the very beginning.  And the best part of the deal is the people that you’ll meet along the way!  We’ve got the BEST stories to tell and have had the most fun!  Glory be to God for every step of this adventure!



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