Small Groups begin in DAYS!
I am very much looking forward to our new small group structure! It’s been great to see the groups forming as people have been signing up. From my point of view, I can see the opportunity for some great friendships and some valuable growth in people’s lives.
If you haven’t gotten a chance to sign up yet, NOW IS THE TIME! A couple of our groups are filling up and once a group is full, we close it! There’s only so much room in our houses and only so many kids a babysitter can handle! You can sign up now on our website at
I highly recommend a couple of our groups: First, Financial Peace…this will change your life in such practical ways, you will never be the same. The average family pays off $5,300 in debt and saves $2,700 in the first 91 days of Financial Peace University. Can you imagine that scenario in your own life?
Also, if you know of a college age person, we have an 18-23ish group beginning that I am very excited about! It’s a great opportunity to pull in people from our community who are at that particular juncture in their life.
Lastly, our weight loss group has both men and women in it, so sign up now to begin to think correctly about food and your body! Christians are the most overweight portion in our society and it’s time to change that!
Check out our other groups on the website! We can’t live without community as the body of Christ, so find yours today!