Starting Point
I wanted to highlight an amazing class we have for people who need a foundation in Christianity that we offer a couple of times a year. It’s called Starting Point and it meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. We provide childcare and you can stay for the 11:00 am service if you don’t want to miss anything. It’s awesome! You can sign up under the Small Groups Link on our website at
Here is a great email about the benefits of jumping into Starting Point:
I’m writing to you to inform you of a marvelous step in my spiritual journey! I’ve completed reading the Holy Bible for the first time in my “almost 50” years of life! When I first began reading the Bible a year ago, I had the hardest time believing God’s existence. As my doubts grew stronger, I forced myself to continue reading. I came across Job 38:1-41 – God chastises Job for doubting his existence. Talk about an “A-Ha! moment!” This had to be God thumping me on the back of the head! This is when my journey took yet another path. I signed up for a Starting Point Group. It was amazing! I was like a sponge soaking up all of God’s Words, grace and glory. I volunteered to help out at church, joined a small group, met new people, talked to everyone who wanted to listen. I was baptized, I’ve learned over 50 memory scriptures that I refer to everyday, enjoyed all of the amazing sermons that you and your team have provided for us. I then became a small group leader. This is all God’s plan for me and it’s a wonderful journey. I thank you seventy times seven!
Awesome! If you have any questions, you can email our Starting Point Director, Pete Torres, at