Survivor Open Call Auditions

For the last 10 years or so I’ve thought about trying out for Survivor. A couple of nights ago I saw an ad for open auditions in Portland. I thought to myself, “I’ve gotta do this regardless of the outcome. It’s time to live the adventure.”

As I’ve been evaluating my life lately I have looked back over the reality that I take pride in the fact that I succeed at most things that I attempt. The problem with that is that I don’t even try things that might fail. And on the occasion that something I’ve attempted seems like it might fail, I REALLY struggle. I go into a tailspin.

So, it’s been on my heart for 2010 to “Live the Adventure” and not focus on what might come of my attempts. I want to enjoy the journey and focus less on the outcome. And that’s what happened tonight.

I stood in the cold rain for three hours until they said that they were out of time and those of us still outside would have to go home. Failure…but not really.

That’s because most of the time the success is in the journey. My journey tonight was filled with a great time with my new friends, Rey and Jaimie, and a dozen other people that spent three long, freezing hours with me at New Seasons Market in Happy Valley, Oregon. We talked about our lives, they met my kids and husband (those wimps stayed where it was warm!), and we took a shot in the dark together.

It may not be the story of a lifetime, but it was an adventure nonetheless. And I’m glad I took it. Thank you to Rey and Jaimie for taking it with me.

Oh…and I’m still going to send in my application…journey on!

  1. Jaimie said:

    Hey Stacy! What a memorable night. Yes it was cold and wet but after a few hours it didn’t even matter. It was still fun meeting you and your family. Rey was a funny guy. Send in your application and video yet? I am enjoying reading your blog. Hope you don’t mind! You are a great writer!

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