
Tag Archives: learning center

claraAlways something exciting going on at North Creek!

As you probably read in my blog yesterday, Wayne and Jenny announced their resignation.  They are excited about their new season of ministry and we bless them!

At Battle Ground, we had an 8 year old quote James 4.  Nailed it!!!  She will be at Hazel Dell next week, so don’t miss it.  We are never to young or too old to memorize God’s Word.

At Hazel Dell, Kris quoted James 3 and nearly burnt the house down with her live illustration.  Side note:  If the match is lit, don’t hold it next to the box of matches.  Her husband is a fireman, so if things had gone terribly wrong, we’d still be OK!

We also officially opened the preschool registration for the Learning Center in Battle Ground.  We inherited a great legacy of Maple Grove Preschool and we are excited to build on their foundation.  We are getting lots of calls and inquiries already, which is very exciting!  You can find all the information and registrations forms at  Get your registration in for the fall soon!

We got the best gift on Sunday…smoked pork chops!  Yes, I’m a Montana girl and can easily be won over with meat.  Yummy!

We need Kid’s Checkin Volunteers at both campuses.  It’s an easy job and the more we have, the smoother our process gets.  Sign up at to work one Sunday a month.  We appreciate our volunteers!!!  Also, here’s some great news for all of you parents…we are adding an additional checkin computer at both campuses to alleviate the line.  It will all be done by Easter!  Thank you for being patient in our growing church!

One of our goals is not to solve all of our problems at once, but to be solving SOME problem all of the time.  It’s a very balanced way of making sure we are getting the ball down the field in a measureable way.

One thing that will never change is that everything changes!  That’s why we trust God when the changes unfold and know that everything will be just fine in the end.  God is faithful!

As I also mentioned in yesterday’s blog, Sunday marked one year of multisite and merging.  I may just have to write an entire blog about that!  It has been one of the most amazing years of our lives, but it did not come without some tough lessons and leadership ability stretching.  I give a lot of the credit of North Creek’s success to two very flexible campuses full of people.  I feel that an immeasureable amount of grace was poured out on our lives as we attempted to forge new paths to our future as a church.  We are humbled and blessed by those of you who did not say, “Well, we’ll see….”, but rather said, “Well, let’s do it!”  That support has made all the difference…we are grateful pastors!

What a God!  What a Church!  What an adventure!  What could possibly be next???

One of the many blessings that came with the merge was a weekday preschool that has been running for 17 years in Battle Ground!

Maple Grove Preschool has a rich history of teaching preschoolers in a fun and educational environment.  It has been lead with excellence by Kelly Eldred and it is with sadness we announce that she will be leaving that role at the conclusion of this school year.  We have loved getting to know Kelly and so appreciate the care she puts into the children that grace our doors everyday!  There is a long line of children that she has impacted for the last two decades in our Battle Ground community!

Learning Center Logo Scratch PadOn a happier note, we are pleased to announce that Michelle Cuthbert will be taking the director position beginning in September 2013.  Michelle attends our Hazel Dell Campus with her husband and three beautiful children.  She has a BA in Business and a Masters in Teaching.  We look forward to watching her take hold of the legacy being handed to her and continue educating kids with excellence!  We have loved getting to know Michelle and look forward to her leadership.

We are also changing the name of the preschool in the fall term to the Learning Center.  At the Learning Center, we will be offering preschool classes for both 3 and 4 year olds.  I also happen to know that Michelle has a heart and passion to add a Kindergarten back to the schedule in the years to come.

Open registration for the preschool begins March 1, 2013 and we hope to get a strong roster full of excited kids soon!  If you are interested in knowing more about the preschool, you can start by perusing the website at  You will find a downloadable registration/immunization form there as well.  If you have questions, please feel free to stop by and visit Kelly in the preschool office or you can email Michelle at

Also, if you know of a preschool age parent looking for a preschool, please send them to our website for more information.  It’s going to be a truly amazing year!
